In a few hours, 2007 will be history. December 31, 2007 will be the day I remember as the New Year’s Eve the Christmas tree came crashing down. This morning I woke up to crash . . . tinkle . . crush – was that the recycling truck or something […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
When I talk about blogging, I get asked lots of questions like . . . Why do you blog? Doesn’t that take lots of time? Who reads it [i.e., who needs it?] What’s the point? How much money do you make? Is it really worth it? What do bloggers do […]
Except for the player who wants to take a swing at the bat, nobody wants to be pitched; not bloggers, not media, not you, not me. That is, if pitching means pushing an unwanted interaction with irrelevant information. Who reads every unsolicited email, opens all their junk mail and listens […]
Update: I’ll be back in DC on 2/23 to speak #MACE17: a future trends keynote and a program on #socialselling for #eventprofs. Would love to see you there! In December 2007, I had the honor of speaking to the Washington DC chapter of the National Association of Catering Executives. What an […]
Thanks to my readers for the motivation to keep publishing! Here’s the press release announcing our 300th post. News for Business, Community, Lifestyle and Work at Home Editors from CoryWest Media, LLC PR Blogger Publishes 300 New Marketing-PR Articles Offers Free Always-On PR Resources to Global Readers Press Contact: […]
It must be getting close to Christmas. Why else would my blog keep getting hit with Wii hunters? Last November, I told my readers the story about how we got the Nintendo Wii in eight minutes. It’s true and I’m glad I wrote it down. Maybe I’ve even glad it’s […]
A few weeks ago, Collin Canright asked Douglass Davidoff, who blogs at Straight Talk PR, to interview me about online PR in 2008. How flattering to get that kind of attention! When you talk to Doug, you can tell he’s a former seasoned journalist now PR pro/blogger. “You want me […]
Want to advertise, but don’t have an ad budget? Or, you do have an ad budget, but want a free month’s worth of testing? USA TODAY wants your blog in their Blogger & Podcaster Guide. Here’s what your ad will look like. This screen shot is from the business page. […]
Brendan Cooper’s December 2007 PR Power Index is out. Most improved, up 14 spots, goes to Public Relations Rogue by Bernie Charland. We tied for second most improved, up 13 spots, with my [PR] palette written by Martin Waxman. Now, Wired PR Works ranks at 66/100. Thanks to Brendan for […]
Fifty characters: my recommended target mark and the length of the headline for this blog post. Making headlines caught my attention last week when a contact in a Yahoo! Group asked if anyone could talk about how to write headlines. After I volunteered, I decided to write this post […]