A reader writes . . . I read with interest your response to the gal looking for help with her arts site. You say in your response: As you may know, press releases have evolved from a simple announcement to a select group of journalists to powerful tools that merge […]
For most bloggers, conventional wisdom says that Stumbleupon traffic is good to spike your numbers, but not so good at holding attention. Usually, I agree. Typically, my Stumbleupon traffic has a bounce rate of 70% or higher, which means that most people glanced at my blog and clicked onto something […]
Take an active approach to getting inbound links and watch your rankings rise. Here’s how . . . 1. Write great content – yes, this is a given. Mix up your style and try on content tangents to see what works. 2. Leave a comment at sites that use CommentLuv […]
Every Thursday, I share a few random Google keyword search rankings with my newsletter readers. [Want to be on the list? Email wiredprworks AT aweber DOT com.] Today, I’m sharing them with you. Here’s how it works . . . keyword-search term ranking/number of results for term conveying expertise = […]
Given the title “Wired PR Works,” you might think this blog is about marketing, social media and public relations? Not really, it’s mostly about RSS and search engines – at least that’s what Google says. How does Google review you and your site? What keywords does Google suggest you use? […]
It’s summer. School’s out. Do you know where your website’s [or blog’s] grades are? Use today’s cool tool, Website Grader developed by HubSpot, to find out. Using a 100 point scoring system, you’ll have one number to relate to along with lots of areas to improve. And, the really cool thing: you […]
A reader wants to know more about a service called WebWire. Here’s Adan’s comment he wrote on a post that covered news about online news distribution services: barbara, hi, i’m very new to this, and this trying to choose which online pr to go with for our first (and hopefully […]
Problem: You want to know how a site scores in terms of traffic AND you want to know who owns what share of keywords Solution: compete.com compares site traffic and reports on top performing keywords See what the competition is up to at compete.com. Comparing performance of up to five […]
Check out the latest Cool Tool from Wired PR Works . . . Problem: You want an all-in-one Google-Wikipedia-keyword-background research tool. Solution: Enter your topic or terms in Make My Report and get the top 30 related results along with a word association relevancy list. Technorati Tags: Cool Tools,Writing,Research,Blog Marketing,Public […]
What to Ask Before You Dress to Run Your PR Race It’s a challenge all media/public relations consultants often face: impatient clients who want major media results NOW. If you’re one of them – an impatient client or a pressured PR pro – try asking these questions I often ask […]