For most bloggers, conventional wisdom says that Stumbleupon traffic is good to spike your numbers, but not so good at holding attention. Usually, I agree. Typically, my Stumbleupon traffic has a bounce rate of 70% or higher, which means that most people glanced at my blog and clicked onto something […]
Viral Marketing
If you’ve ever won a contest, you know how good it feels to be a winner. Hosting a contest invites participation and gives people something to talk about: you! This post first appeared here in April 2007 with the first three steps only. Today, I’m adding in five more. What […]
On January 23, 2007, I wrote about where to download David Meerman Scott’s 2007 PR Playbook. In May, I found out David mentioned this blog, now at a new URL, in his book, “The New Rules of Marketing & PR.” I love this book. When I was called in at […]
Finding myself stuck here rather than on the road over the weekend due to an overly productive snowstorm, I hit the gym in search of double workout: cardio/social. On the elliptical, a neighbor and I started talking about the job market. As we racked up miles, our conversation soon wandered […]
Now, here’s an idea I found in ineptuser’s Boost PR blog post via a Google Alert. If you want to get in on the Viral Tag Train game, instructions follow, copied directly from the post. The idea is to build viral steam by exchanging links. When your blog shows up somewhere, you add the blog to your viral […]
This article went out to our MTN News ezine subscribers today . . . Reality Show PR: Marketing with Case Studies Take your prospects behind the scenes with client case studies: all ready and made for marketing by Barbara Rozgonyi, founder of CoryWest Media and Public Relations Expert When clients want […]
One of things I love about blogging is serendipity. You never know where your posts will wind up. Today I noticed a steady stream of referrals from Visiting the site, I joined and did a search to find my recap of Marketing Sherpa’s Viral Marketing 2007 report made the […]
In the inner Internet circles, The System Seminar [affiliate link] has a reputation for providing pure content, a professional environment and bleeding edge techniques. All that’s true, but the approachability and friendliness of every one I met, including the speakers, surprised me. Ego was absent – the only time people […]
Wrestling with promotional words is fresh in mind. A few minutes ago, I submitted my site to the Open Directory Project. It’s been on my to-do list for longer than I care to admit. Today I had to fill out the form three times. Each variation bleached out subjective references so that, in the […]
Marketing Sherpa’s Special Report: Viral Marketing 2007 gives insights into how experienced viral marketers think. Marketing Sherpa is a leading resource for marketing knowledge, case studies and forward thinking about what’s working in marketing today. Reports like this one get posted online for a limited open access period before they […]