So, you’re on twitter. So am I. Wondering how your twitter profile helps you from a PR [page rank, publicity platform, public relations, personal record, etc.] perspective? Here are five ways to measure your twitter rank, reach and results. You can use these numbers in your social media profile or […]
3 posts
Type in online pr speaker – no quotes – and this is what comes up. Does your screen look like my screen? Click on the image to enlarge. My Unscientific guesses as to why these online pr speaker results rank the way they do Exact keyword match in page […]
Every Thursday, I share a few random Google keyword search rankings with my newsletter readers. [Want to be on the list? Email wiredprworks AT aweber DOT com.] Today, I’m sharing them with you. Here’s how it works . . . keyword-search term ranking/number of results for term conveying expertise = […]