A reader writes: We’re an eco-friendly baby products company. How can we use social media? We plan to start a blog, but do you have any other ideas? Answer: [Have a question you’d like answered? Email connectATcorywestmedia.com with Question for Wired PR Works in the subject line.] Starting a blog […]
Blog Marketing
BlogHer is coming back to Chicago! After attending BlogHer07 in Chicago as a local volunteer live blogger, I made the decision to travel to BlogHer08 in San Francisco. What a difference a year made! In 2007, blogging was still edging into the monetization mainstream. In 2008, PR reps from […]
Interested in what happened at BlogWorld? During the sessions, I sent out enough twitter updates to fill a 15 page Word document, which added up to over 300 updates. This post covers Book Deals, Digital Assets And Corporate Sponsorships with Prince Campbell, Jonathan Fields and Geoff Nelson. You’ll find all […]
Searching for popular blogs to follow? Yahoo’s Blog directory lists blogs by category. Shown here is a screen capture I took this morning. At the time, Wired PR Works was number one. So . . . I told my newsletter subscribers about it. [Apologies to my newsletter readers for letting […]
For most bloggers, conventional wisdom says that Stumbleupon traffic is good to spike your numbers, but not so good at holding attention. Usually, I agree. Typically, my Stumbleupon traffic has a bounce rate of 70% or higher, which means that most people glanced at my blog and clicked onto something […]
Take an active approach to getting inbound links and watch your rankings rise. Here’s how . . . 1. Write great content – yes, this is a given. Mix up your style and try on content tangents to see what works. 2. Leave a comment at sites that use CommentLuv […]
Thanks to the agency who contacted me, Barbara Rozgonyi, about being a social media keynote speaker for a conference this fall. Do you have an event coming up? Feel free to use these mini-outlines as a starting point. Focusing on a single social media element is a good idea. There’s […]
That’s my only update on Friday night, the first night of BlogHer 08. If I ever needed confirmation that someone valued what I had to say, this was it. Making it onto Alltop’s online PR blog feed-magazine rack, a collection of the best of the best feeds, was a dream […]
Every Tuesday, Liz Strauss at Successful-Blog hosts an open comment night. Last week the group came up with the idea to host a blog showcase. Blog-to Show? Showcase Your Blog at Successful-Blog July 26-27 outlines the details of how to get in. With all entries in, the show is up […]
Warner Brothers, Bravo and Hearst opened the day with a HybridMedia keynote. To read more, visit the BlogHer08 live conference posts. See what I had to say on twitter about BlogHer, including a live tweet stream from the monetization panel. In the Home and Garden breakout session, I heard about […]