In 2007, I wrote a post about the top 10 ways to quickly become a subject matter expert using LinkedIn. I entered a contest and I won a free trip to BlogWorld! Written in 2007, this is one of my most popular posts by far, [thanks for the inspiration and […]
Social Media
Welcome! You flew in from twitter, right? I first put this guide together in March 2008, a few weeks after getting serious about setting up a twitter profile. Back then, there weren’t that many people on twitter, but today twitter’s becoming a must-participate communications tool for businesses, non-profits, entrepreneurs and […]
Thanks to Liz Strauss for forwarding me an invitation to Jeff Pulver’s social networking breakfast in Chicago this morning. The inventor of the personal networking tool kit, Jeff is also the author of The Pulver Report. I got my first issue a few minutes ago. Packed with information about technology […]
Look to fashion – make that Fashion Week – to preview what will be trendy. Here’s a trend I’d like to see take off: issuing bloggers press passes to events beyond the techno-conferences, something Fashion Week’s been doing since 2006. After all, a blog is a publication. A blogger is […]
At this time in 2007, it’s safe to say most of us had no friends on Facebook. Now we do. But for how long? What place in the crowded social networking space will emerge as the top contender in 2008? How many profiles, posts, uploads, updates, MySpace friend requests, LinkedIn […]
Looking for a list of social media and social networking blog resources to learn from and feed into? Virtual Hosting Blog recently complied and released a list of the top 100 social media and social networking blogs in these categories: most popular/social media; most popular/social networking; Web 2.0; investor analysis; […]
If you’re not a corporate communicator, you may not know about Ragan Communications. I first heard about Ragan when one of my corporate consulting clients added me to their Ragan Report reading list. Because being mentioned by Ragan was a coveted honor, in planning meetings we mused about how Ragan would review our internal communications […]
David Meerman Scott’s upcoming book, The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use News Releases, Blogs, Podcasting, Viral Marketing and Online Media to Reach Buyers Directly[pre-order on Amazon], goes on the market in a few weeks. From the early editorial reviews [see later in post], this will be […]
In the inner Internet circles, The System Seminar [affiliate link] has a reputation for providing pure content, a professional environment and bleeding edge techniques. All that’s true, but the approachability and friendliness of every one I met, including the speakers, surprised me. Ego was absent – the only time people […]
Cellphones Growing on Web as a Way to Keep Up Image, a story about how “The social networking phenomenon is leaving the confines of the personal computer. Powerful new mobile devices are allowing people to send round-the-clock updates about their vacations, their moods, or their latest haircut.” mentions several tools, including kyte. […]