You read that right – yesterday this blog, Wired PR Works. weighed in at #77 on the WordPress Growing Blog List. At last count, WordPress hosted 854,746 blogs. Very humbling, amazing and encouraging. Thanks to everybody for clicking in – my readers get the credit for sticking with me. And to […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
It’s snowing here. Instead of blooms in the border, we have towels over tulips. To brighten up this bleak day, here’s a Spring Flower Show Album. Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grab Fast Front Page Attention with Panoramic PR Claim your free mp3 “How to Transform Your Company into a Customer Magnet,” a $97 […]
4.19.07 Update Here’s an excerpt from Gary Bencivenga’s tribute to Gary Halbert . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Gary was original. His favorite saying, the one he lived by, was “Nothing is impossible for a person who refuses to listen to reason!” With that as his credo, he blazed many new marketing […]
PRNN, Press Release News Network, now has a free Social Media Newsroom option. Here’s more directly from the Social Media Newsroom site . . . Free Social Media Newsroom for Your Business Create a free socialized media information center for your business. The Social Media Newsroom template is based on […]
I admit it. I love to give stuff away. Today’s MTN free ezine subscribers got treated to a video marketing report – as my gift. Now, in our house Easter is not a gift holiday [well, no gifts over $25], but what’s nice about having a list of loyal readers is […]
Media Post’s Marketing Daily tells the story “Quiznos Delivers PR Hero After Coyote Invades Chicago Store.” Writer Kevin Ransom points out how Quiznos played up the incident, tied it into a new product, routed attention to an animal charity and followed through on the coyote’s release. Here’s a clip . . . “After […]
The “Boomer Mom” factor. . . how marketers decide to present and promote their products to women ages 40-60 is morphing away from avoiding any direct online interaction into a realization that – OMG! – Boomer Moms get IT! Hey, baby let’s do email. When studies like this come out, the […]
Yesterday, in my PRWeb | New Visability Statistics | Google Maps Mash Up post, I promised to update you on our results with the new PRWeb tools. . . Here’s what I found this morning . . . In our first release testing the new PRWeb press release tools, we’re […]
PRWeb recently introduced a new set of online visibility measurement tools that ramp up their already powerful results reports with new tools including reader locator maps, competitive benchmarks and comparison models. According to the March 29, 2007 PRWeb press release . . . Available with all press release levels, the […]
When I checked into WordPress and saw my last post featured as the Blog of the Minute, I, uh, stared at the screen not believing my eyes. Checking in with a different browser, I saw a post on an Xbox gamer from the Blog of the Minute. So, maybe this […]