One of things I love about blogging is serendipity. You never know where your posts will wind up. Today I noticed a steady stream of referrals from Visiting the site, I joined and did a search to find my recap of Marketing Sherpa’s Viral Marketing 2007 report made the […]
Yearly Archives: 2007
You can use Newsvine to not only read the news, but to make the news, post articles, gather your own community and more. Evergreen, the relaunch, is discussed in a bit more detail at the Newsvine blog. Thanks to the folks at Newsvine for the following email update. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A […]
Today, this article went out to my MTN Ezine subscribers. Superhero PR: Coming to Your Client’s Rescue It doesn’t take a cape to rescue your clients; just use your superpowers by Barbara Rozgonyi, founder of CoryWest Media and Public Relations Expert In Marvel comics, when the city is under siege, […]
Thanks to Spiderman 3, this post is drifting out of draft mode from where it’s sat when I first got the news. In one of the first scenes, Spiderman stops to observe a crowd, mostly kids, watching a video. Seeing this shot reminded me to publish this post. Here’s how you, like Spiderman, can see yourself […]
In the inner Internet circles, The System Seminar [affiliate link] has a reputation for providing pure content, a professional environment and bleeding edge techniques. All that’s true, but the approachability and friendliness of every one I met, including the speakers, surprised me. Ego was absent – the only time people […]
Scott Allen reports the first ten entries in the Smart Ways to Use LinkedIn Group Blogging Project are in! In looking at the entries so far, I’m pleased to see my post “The Top 10 Ways to Quickly Become a Subject Matter Expert Using LinkedIn” is on the list. Why? […]
Here’s my entry from Friday night . . . This is my first System Seminar – it’s happening at the same time as another major Internet marketing seminar in Atlanta. My video testimonial is the first one on the other seminar’s sales letter – if you see it, you’ll see I’m inviting you to […]
Convio, a company I found out about from a friend who’s a non-profit marketing director, recently released The Online Marketing (eCRM) Nonprofit Benchmark Index™ Study. Although the study’s results are based on Convio’s non-profit client results, many of the suggestions and findings apply to for profit online marketing as well. Here’s […]
Whether you’re a donor or a charity, you’ll be interested in the latest report from Charity Navigator, a leading independent evaluator of charities. While this report focuses on how much and how charities invest and make from special events, it doesn’t cover the payback for the sponsors, both individuals and companies. Having written more than […]
Cellphones Growing on Web as a Way to Keep Up Image, a story about how “The social networking phenomenon is leaving the confines of the personal computer. Powerful new mobile devices are allowing people to send round-the-clock updates about their vacations, their moods, or their latest haircut.” mentions several tools, including kyte. […]