So while were on vacation the Wired PR Works iPhone app got named to a list of 44 useful mobile apps for social media marketers.* Thanks so much to Social Media Explorer contributor Debbie Hemley for the mention. This is a great list and one well worth checking out. How […]
Strolling through a garden center display, I stopped. How exciting, and unexpected, to see beautiful and shiny objects glinting in the garden. Captivated by the reflections and the unexpected shimmer, I momentarily forgot why I was there: to buy plants. This is the type of place that draws me to […]
Strolling through a garden center display, I stopped. How exciting, and unexpected, to see beautiful and shiny objects glinting in the garden. Captivated by the reflections and the unexpected shimmer, I momentarily forgot why I was there: to buy plants. This is the type of place that draws me to […]
In almost every presentation, I show a chart with survey results that prove blogger relations is the most effective social media marketing tactic. Then I ask this question: Who here is using blogger relations as a social media marketing tactic? Every time, almost no hands go up. That’s why when […]
Tomorrow is Jazz Fest Glen Ellyn. It’s a day where music makes over Main Street into an outdoor festival. This is our second year sponsoring the festival’s social communications. Two of our clients also participate. Here’s how the event looks this year in 3D.
Anthony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within® Event is coming to Chicago July 14-17. I’m honored to be one of the event’s bloggers. Although I’ve covered many events, this is the first time I’ll be sharing insights from a world-renowned speaker, author and peak performance strategist that I’ve admired and wanted […]
Yesterday, I wrote a post about what to do after you accept your Google+ project invitation. Then, I invited everyone to send me their gmail address so I could send them an invitation. But, I didn’t know that Google had closed off the Google+ invitation route due to “insane demand.” […]
Every week I share a few dozen links to information. My goal is to share knowledge wants or needs. Reader relevancy is key. But how do you know what your people will really like? That’s where measuring and sharing clicks to links comes in. Tracking what people like to read […]
Coming at you in what I would say is at least 4D, a new infographic reframes content as marketing. Set on a base of KPIs, the Content Grid v2 by Eloqua and Jess3 connects content with three levels of business objectives and nine phases of prospect goals over five distribution […]
True or False: Men rock at cosmetics connections while women round up ranching and take over the tobacco industry. That’s all true – if you’re talking about networking on LinkedIn. And – get this – LinkedIn reports men are more savvy than women when it comes to social networking. Are […]