Or . . . How Did you Get from Here to There I don’t think of myself as a career counselor and mentor, but other people seem to. Lately I’m getting these questions a lot: How did you get there? How can I get a promotion? Should I quit my […]
“Why did they make a movie about Facebook? It’s just Facebook.” college junior watching trailers for “The Social Network” Facebook. Is it just Facebook? Or, is Facebook something bigger than Facebook? How will “The Social Network” profile the business of communication – and capture the spirit of our time? UPDATE […]
10.08.10 UPDATE Breaking News – use this code to save 15% Register now for BlogWorld and save 15% on Thursday, Weekend or Full Access Passes. Looking for a way to save on your 2010 BlogWorld and New Media Expo registration? There’s a link at the bottom of this post. Depending […]
Continuing on in an informal series of posts about influence inspired by the Fast Company influence project, here’s one with references to many sources, including Wicked. Originally posted on July 9, 2008, the information is updated with new numbers and the addition of a new slant: leadership. It’s funny. When […]
One way to get attention is to talk in new places. That’s what guest posting is all about. Here’s a post that first appeared two years ago today on Word Sell Inc. Thanks to Brad Shorr for letting me sit in as a guest author with an article called “Make […]
Thanks to my friend and seminar marketing pro, Jenny Hamby, I can now say, “I co-authored a book with social media superstars.” Today’s post features an excerpt from my chapter. I’m the book’s LinkedIn expert. Jenny’s the one who suggested I talk with Mitch Meyerson about contributing to his book, […]
Today I’m talking to lawyers. Thanks to Larry Bodine of LawMarketing.com for asking me to write this article Seven Steps to Conduct an Effective PR Campaign using Social Media for the Legal Marketing Technology section. Here’s how to start out . . . Still sending out traditional news releases? If […]
Barry, Barry, Barry . . . that’s the name that kept coming up as someone I had to meet. Today I’m happy to introduce you, too, to Barry as in Barry Moltz. Thanks to Barry for buying me lunch at Navy Pier and telling me how he helps small businesses […]
On April 19 I covered key highlights from a 2010 media survey, but I missed an important one. When I tweeted this stat: according to PRNewswire 70% of social media tweets result in coverage vs 20% traditional PR given at presentation at the UnGeeked Elite Conference in Milwaukee, it got […]
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