7 Steps to Conduct an Effective PR Campaign using Social Media

Today I’m talking to lawyers. Thanks to Larry Bodine of LawMarketing.com for asking me to write this article Seven Steps to Conduct an Effective PR Campaign using Social Media for the Legal Marketing Technology section. Here’s how to start out . . .

Still sending out traditional news releases? If you’re looking for way to raise visibility, generate traffic, grow business and build an online community, consider testing out social media. Follow these seven steps to get started on conducting an effective public relations campaign to reach reporters, and the masses, using social media.

1. Set Campaign Goals

Traditional PR campaign goals often include placements in target publications along with the total number of media impressions. Search and social media news campaigns allow you to be more creative and effective. For example, do you want to reach out to bloggers, grow your community on twitter, build a Facebook group, generate more site traffic, attract more YouTube channel viewers, raise your social media visibility profile or get better search engine rankings? You can do all of these and still reach reporters on social networks. Schedule your releases to go out at least once a month. Higher frequency positions you as a newsmaker and one to watch. And, you’ll get more opportunities to fine-tune your message and measure results.

2. Being Newsworthy

Because social media sites are searchable, every action or comment can be public. You don’t need a press release to get noticed. You do need to be newsworthy on a consistent basis to sustain interested attention. As you’re crafting your campaign, think about whom you want to reach and why, what problems they have that you can solve, where they spend their time online and the sources they go to for news or help. For story ideas, focus on topics that relate to the specific area of expertise or business service you want to grow or highlight. Now think about why and how your stories need to be told. How can you tie into trends or national events? Look at stories in the news now and find connections to what you do.

Want to know what to do next? Read the social media marketing and PR article at lawmarketing.com.

How do mix social into your PR campaigns?

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