In the good old days of SEO (2010), cranking out an endless supply of online press releases was standard operating procedure. Whether or not it was newsworthy, whether or not it was well written, and whether or not it provided any useful information at all, the online press release provided […]
Everybody’s making videos, but who really knows how to marketing them? For the answer to that question, I’m passing this topic over to a guest author. The last time this special guest posted here, his post about keys to writing a press release for SEO and page rank landed in […]
On Friday, the first day of spring!, I’ll be presenting this 20 minute social media mashup to the National Speakers Association’s Illinois Chapter. My inspiration comes from a play our family saw called “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Abridged.” On our family trip out west a few years back […]
Microsoft’s getting lots of attention [Small Businesses to PPC: Drop Dead] for its survey that finds 70% of small business owners would rather do their own taxes than manage a PPC [pay per click ad words] campaign. We don’t do our clients’ taxes, but we do manage their marketing strategies, […]
So many interesting Search Engine Strategy Sessions, so little time to attend them all. In terms of search engine optimization priorities, you might put lots of other topics ahead of storytelling. Like links, AdWords and platforms. But, what’s a person, company or organization without a story? Because my company is […]
Twitter transcripts for this session follow. As always, the updates are as exactly as posted with no changes – and they are in reverse order. So, start at the bottom and read from the top. This is one in series of articles. Browse my Chicago Search Engine Strategies 2008 category […]
Twitter transcripts for this session follow. Apologies to those of you who checked in and found a template. NOW I know how to use it – testing new technology on the fly is, uh, iffy. But, I think more people enjoyed the twitter updates anyway. So, thanks for your […]
So, you’re on twitter. So am I. Wondering how your twitter profile helps you from a PR [page rank, publicity platform, public relations, personal record, etc.] perspective? Here are five ways to measure your twitter rank, reach and results. You can use these numbers in your social media profile or […]
Interested in what happened at BlogWorld? During the sessions, I sent out enough twitter updates to fill a 15 page Word document, which added up to over 300 updates. This post covers Search Engine Optimization, SEM & New Media with Brian Clark, Michael Gray, Lee Odden and Stephan Spencer. You’ll find […]
What do plan to do with your online marketing over the next six months? Lee Odden, of Online Marketing Blog, asked his readers to vote for the top three online marketing tactics they would use the most from now, mid-September, through mid-March 2009. What’s interesting to me is that corporate […]