SEO PR Chicago Search Engine Strategies | Twitter Transcripts

Twitter transcripts for this session follow. Apologies to those of you who checked in and found a template. NOW I know how to use it – testing new technology on the fly is, uh, iffy. But, I think more people enjoyed the twitter updates anyway. So, thanks for your patience and to those of you who commented while I was updating – thanks for being part of the conversation. As always, the updates are as exactly as posted with no changes – and they are in reverse order. So, start at the bottom and read from the top.

Basics Track

Turning PR Efforts into SEO Results – Session Description from Chicago Search Engine Strategies Program Guide

Search engine optimization is one of the most effective ways to reach target audiences. Unfortunately, most organizations are focused solely on how SEO impacts marketing and advertising and are failing to take advantage of the unique and very impactful results that are generated when SEO is applied to public relations. Organizations that capitalize on the convergence of marketing, advertising and public relations stand to benefit from more successful, less-costly campaigns, while organizations that fail to integrate PR into SEO efforts stand to miss out on a valuable opportunity.

Optimizing press releases for natural search offers organizations the opportunity to drive traffic from authoritative third party sites. It also provides another means to generate fresh content for the organization’s web site and the ability to determine whether or not an organization’s message is connecting with intended audiences. In addition, natural search optimization can generate new leads and show measurable results. These tools are often less costly than traditional advertising programs and leverage existing advertising content to communicate more directly with consumers.

This session will provide real-life examples to show how organizations can achieve maximum results for any communications campaign through natural search optimization of press releases.

LisaAdamsWalter: To all PR Peeps, follow Barbara Rozgonyi @wiredprworks for up to the minute notes from #ses – good information!

wiredprworks: match the type of content to the channel that’s most appropriate, not so much about biggest bang for your buck #ses

wiredprworks: #ses trick from @leeodden, separate out elements:news+blog post for social

wiredprworks: technorati doesn’t pick up press release so adding tags is useless #ses

wiredprworks: search for “social media release is a meatball sundae” greg jarboe, it’s an oxymoron, 2 things that don’t belong together #ses

wiredprworks: google social media release and will see template, some initial studies show high traffic-tech or corp, but no broad scale studies done #ses

wiredprworks: social media news release 20% of room is familiar with concept #ses

wiredprworks: establish processes in the review cycle, optimize from the beginning #ses

wiredprworks: @CarriBugbee (expand) see turning PR efforts into SEO results #ses

wiredprworks: online press release optimization make sure same keyword is in headline, first paragraph and landing page – be consistent #ses

gavoweb: RT @wiredprworks: use Google AdWords keyword tool to plug in a URL and get some keyword suggestions #ses (thanks for the tip barbara)

CarriBugbee: @wiredprworks This has always been my philosophy. What is #SES? ‘Cause I’m too lazy to research the event…

wiredprworks: use Google AdWords keyword tool to plug in a URL and get some keyword suggestions #ses

wiredprworks: language is a big disconnect between marketing-PR, don’t call it a recreational vehicle if people say RV, use advantageous keywords #ses

wiredprworks: so many opportunities left on the table, like when sales leads come in from press release, develop some continuity across organization #ses

wiredprworks: think in terms of the metrics and business effect that your communications are driving, share of voice and tonality #ses

wiredprworks: a lot easier to measure PR now, ask what are your goals? contrary to popular belief it’s really easy to get into the news #ses

wiredprworks: disconnect between marketing and PR – objectives, tactics and language #ses, stronger lifting if you use both arms

wiredprworks: have to really think about information we issue as really granular #ses, need to readjust thinking as to how info will be consumed online

wiredprworks: understanding “audience” bought earthworms on Internet, buy encapsulated cocoons, there is an audience for everything at a given time #ses

wiredprworks: think more about business results than a clip book, need to connect marketing and PR more, especially with traditional companies #ses

wiredprworks: Sarah Skerik from PR Newswire up now talking about integrating SEO and PR communicating optimally, her customers more traditional #ses

wiredprworks: journalists use Google Alerts for companies or high profile thought leaders, use optimization to become one of their preferred sources #ses

wiredprworks: press releases are just one type of news content, best practices optimize content throughout #ses

wiredprworks: contributed content: articles, letters to the editor and profiles #ses use keywords in headline& put anchor text in article, set up profiles

wiredprworks: publicize publicity – create blog post or newsroom to publicize pick up to leverage third party credibility, add content #ses

wiredprworks: Know the value of links: monitor online pickups, link to the pickup via bookmark #ses

wiredprworks: create online newsroom, post press release there first and that will be the one that ranks #ses

wiredprworks: top to bottom, left to right for keywords, #ses, 500 word release use keyword 2-4 times, add media into press release

wiredprworks: Optimize news, do media training – optimize speaking points, contributed articles-optimize content and use anchor text w/in copy #ses

wiredprworks: if it can be search on, it can be optimized #ses

wiredprworks: not being found online? you’re missing media opportunities #ses pull peopls to you w/PR, newsroom, social media

wiredprworks: how do you use search: 95% research stories, 91% news, 91% companies/people, 82% story ideas, press releases #ses

wiredprworks: most SEO optimizing for a searcher,, news optimization focuses on a diff audience,outcome: facts,experts, trends #ses

wiredprworks: Jolina Pettice now talking about how to improve SEO with digital PR from TopRank #ses

wiredprworks: PR people for 100 yrs trying to measure results, now can get headline impressions, full page reads, #brand searches up 38% in 1 study #ses

wiredprworks: photo contest for Parents had 4,000, 6 weeks after online PR had 88,296 entries, can generate measurable traffic, build database #ses

wiredprworks: whole segment of bloggers mommy bloggers, picked up on Parents news and commented on it, also got traditional media, both w/ links #ses

wiredprworks: radical transformation, for 100 yrs you had to get past the gatekeeper, now you can get your story in front of consumer-mommy bloggers #ses

wiredprworks: SEO-PR case study Better Homes and Gardens, realease ranked #1 for Parents Magazine in Google News w/optimized photo gets higher rank #ses

wiredprworks: greg jarboe asking # seo & PR in audience, real win-win here is when both sides learn from each other #ses

wiredprworks: @barbchamberlain #ses = search engine stratgies SEO-PR session now

wiredprworks: small biz-sales tool, reach&credibility, everyone wants increased visibility, PR see releases as tool for branding, mktrs as optimizer #ses

barbchamberlain: @wiredprworks What’s the #ses tag? Yr tweets are interesting research findings.

wiredprworks: mktg pros ranked consumer above media, also interested in going to webmaster, press releases diff by segment: PR, marketing, small biz #ses

wiredprworks: #1 measurement of success, # of sites where published online and #2 # of online views #ses, news aggregators ranked higher than news sites

wiredprworks: PR activities being targeted to 1 journalists,2 bloggers 3 consumers #ses

wiredprworks: SCNR study mixed qualitative and quantitative research – surveyed marketers and small biz owners #ses

wiredprworks: live tweeting seo-pr #ses starts now with Wei from @prweb

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