In thinking about how we write and distribute optimized press releases – every time – for our clients, I decided to share the same strategies with you. What Makes Writing Online Press Releases Different One of the big differences between releasing a news story online and sending a press release […]
Monthly Archives: April 2008
Liz Strauss is hosting a big event this weekend in Chicago called SOBCon – Biz School for Bloggers. For a few weeks now, the attendees have been talking to each other on twitter, updating statuses on the event wiki, checking out the event’s Facebook site and commenting back and forth […]
Let’s just say it’s hard, if not impossible, to get into my book group. When we moved to town, it took me three years to get an invitation. It’s not that I didn’t try. I did. There were no openings. But, I did have one qualification in my favor: I […]
For Caroline*, a young lady I know, getting cast in her first role in a major production was exhilarating. [*names changed, all stories true] How exciting it would be to be act with of a professional cast of characters! Never mind that Caroline’s role called for her to be […]
Here’s how this blog works best: I write the posts. You read the posts and contribute to the conversation. We test the posts. We report results. Today, I’ll go first. A few days ago I wrote about how to find marketing funding. Thanks to Chris Brown for picking it up […]
It’s seminar season. Isn’t it always? You’re being invited to all kinds of places to learn from experts about how to make “it.” What seminars are your going to in 2008? There was a time – two years ago – when I was so swayed by the promises and offers […]
SOBCon08, the biz school for bloggers brought to you by Liz Strauss, is two weeks from today. Thanks to the SOBCon blog, we’re all getting to know each other ahead of time. I love this idea. Easton Ellsworth of Visionary Blogging, is introducing attendees before we get there! Today, my […]
Did you know you have money that’s hidden somewhere and could be working for you? That’s the kind of headline that either pulls you in or turns you off. But, it’s true. You do have more money than you think you do. I know that for a fact. Every year […]
Do I need to have a blog? What would a blog do for my business? How do you find time to blog? I get these questions – a lot – from my writer friends who don’t blog. Answering the questions takes most of half an hour, sometimes longer. Before I […]
One of the biggest benefits to blogging for me is seeing how others use the information they find here. Did you know poets and artists write press releases? Thanks to Adan, a reader who shared his National Poetry Month press release and a report on how his online PR campaign […]