I admit it. I love to give stuff away. Today’s MTN free ezine subscribers got treated to a video marketing report – as my gift. Now, in our house Easter is not a gift holiday [well, no gifts over $25], but what’s nice about having a list of loyal readers is […]
Viral Marketing
After reading about how Cartoon Network’s ads in the streets publicity stunt set off a major terrorist alert in Boston, I wondered how far agencies and companies are willing to go to get attention. The suspicious black box that easily set off a hyper-sensitive terrorist alert system in Boston yesterday was supposed to project […]
Find out how to Listen to Barbara Rozgonyi interview Dave Lakhani Ultimate PR Secrets, our virtual seminar featuring million dollar public relations pros, kicked off today with a presentation by Dave Lakhani. Back in June 2006, I met Dave at an Internet marketing seminar in LA. At that time, I […]
Here’s a press release we sent out today . . . PR Pros to Answer 2007’s Biggest Publicity Questions Business owners and entrepreneurs everywhere can jumpstart their 2007 publicity plans by getting the expert advice they need from eight leading publicity pros in an upcoming virtual seminar called Ultimate PR […]
Ad Age’s article, Marketers’ Websites Outdraw Those of Major Media Players, by Jack Neff is on the most emailed-list. While the article itself covers lots of ground, these two paragraphs stuck out for me: “Highest in consumer acceptance Of all options for influencing the online influencers, brand websites rank highest […]
5000 unique visitors in 8 hours. Links to 260 blogs. That was 2 days ago. Judging by the depth and character of his blog/post, Thomas Baekdal’s Viral Marketing Tricks will be one that sets records. Why? Because it’s viral marketing at its best. The videos demonstrate Baekdal’s ideas as they entertain. Somehow, his Denmark […]