There’s something about a conference called BAM that makes you want to go there. And, go there I did. In addition to escaping Chicago’s cold weather, I was looking forward to reconnecting with the midlife bloggers I met at BlogHer13in Chicago where The Midlife Blogger roundtable session was the most tweeted […]
As we wrap up 2012, here’s a look back at social media’s 2012 milestones. Which platform gets your 2012 MVP award: YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google+, tumblr, MySpace, or _________? Source: The State of Social Media 2012 by The SEO Company Facebook 2012 Year in Review Now the largest […]
Yesterday’s News: Fretting over Facebook changes. Today’s News: Get over yesterday. Today, your life is on the Facebook timeline. Now, the big question: are you ready to share it?
UPDATE 03.01.11 Thanks so much to Facebook for restoring my account! After two weeks and three attempts, I’m back in. Two days ago I submitted my third or fourth request and today I got an email from Rick in User Operations letting me know my account was restored. Yay! Thanks […]
350M people send 4B messages on FB – every day. Is it time to modernize communications? Facebook says yes. Want to know more? Here are my press conference notes and a few videos, including a video interview with Facebook’s director of engineering, Andrew Bosworth [who went to 14 proms, according […]
“Why did they make a movie about Facebook? It’s just Facebook.” college junior watching trailers for “The Social Network” Facebook. Is it just Facebook? Or, is Facebook something bigger than Facebook? How will “The Social Network” profile the business of communication – and capture the spirit of our time? UPDATE […]
How do you handle negativity, privacy, branding, security on Facebook? Thanks to a reader who asked these questions about Facebook and their business. Have IRL [in real life] questions you need answered? Leave them in the comment box, text 630.207.7530 or email corywestmedia 1. How do we manage negative […]
Let’s take inventory, okay? Get out a sheet of paper. Make three columns. Label one “group,” a second “connected” and the third “disconnected.” Connected means plugged in online via twitter, Facebook and Linked, etc. Disconnected means analog or email only. Now, list all of your groups in three categories: business, […]
A reader writes: We’re an eco-friendly baby products company. How can we use social media? We plan to start a blog, but do you have any other ideas? Answer: [Have a question you’d like answered? Email with Question for Wired PR Works in the subject line.] Starting a blog […]
It’s almost ceremonious. Sitting at a meeting, I watched Dave fix his coffee. He opens and pours in a packet of sweetener. Stirs. Opens and pours in a container of hazlenut creamer. Stirs. Folds up the sweetener packet. Inserts it into the creamer container. Opens and pours in sweetener packet […]