You know they’re out there, but where do you find them? Them = people you want to connect with. Connections = network. Network = opportunity. [Here’s an invitation to be on my A-list.] On LinkedIn, you can start by importing your email address book and sending invitations only to people […]
Social Media
Earlier today I gave away a secret ROI ingredient and now I’m giving away something I’ve never seen any other marketer reveal: webinar stats. Maybe that’s because they haven’t used MeetingBurner yet. When I heard Mari Smith recommend this webinar technology during her Facebook changes presentation, I wanted to test […]
Before I let another day in October slip away I’m checking in to ask two questions: 1. What’s new with you? 2. What’s your biggest question about how to use social media to enhance your business results? Is sent this message out to my newsletter subscribers over the weekend. Because […]
Yesterday’s News: Fretting over Facebook changes. Today’s News: Get over yesterday. Today, your life is on the Facebook timeline. Now, the big question: are you ready to share it?
Infographics are hot, hot, hot. Don’t you wish you had one that was all about YOU??? Imagine: how cool would it be to send an infographic .jpg file instead of a resume.doc. To turn your LinkedIn profile into an infographic like this one, first download your LinkedIn profile as a […]
Back in the day, about 36 months ago, everybody thought nobody over 30 would make much use of social networking. When I joined Facebook as a marketing experiment, people said “Hey -you’re too old to be on there. Don’t you know Facebook is for kids? Get back over to LinkedIn.” […]
Mixing marketing with social media can be time-consuming, confusing and not very effective – unless you have an organized system that mixes search, marketing, social, community and planning. That’s why I developed the W-I-R-E-D system [(c) 2009-2011 Barbara Rozgonyi] for my clients, students and audiences. As I refine the next […]
If you’re a chocaholic, you’re probably wishing you could lick through the screen right now. Is being addicted a bad thing? And why is social media so addictive? “Any activity, action or emotion that fulfills at least three needs at a high level becomes, in effect, an addiction. Likewise, people […]
So while were on vacation the Wired PR Works iPhone app got named to a list of 44 useful mobile apps for social media marketers.* Thanks so much to Social Media Explorer contributor Debbie Hemley for the mention. This is a great list and one well worth checking out. How […]
Strolling through a garden center display, I stopped. How exciting, and unexpected, to see beautiful and shiny objects glinting in the garden. Captivated by the reflections and the unexpected shimmer, I momentarily forgot why I was there: to buy plants. This is the type of place that draws me to […]