Here’s my entry from Friday night . . . This is my first System Seminar – it’s happening at the same time as another major Internet marketing seminar in Atlanta. My video testimonial is the first one on the other seminar’s sales letter – if you see it, you’ll see I’m inviting you to […]
Internet Marketing
Convio, a company I found out about from a friend who’s a non-profit marketing director, recently released The Online Marketing (eCRM) Nonprofit Benchmark Index™ Study. Although the study’s results are based on Convio’s non-profit client results, many of the suggestions and findings apply to for profit online marketing as well. Here’s […]
Cellphones Growing on Web as a Way to Keep Up Image, a story about how “The social networking phenomenon is leaving the confines of the personal computer. Powerful new mobile devices are allowing people to send round-the-clock updates about their vacations, their moods, or their latest haircut.” mentions several tools, including kyte. […]
“Per the Policies and Procedures you cannot have any company names, logos, trademarks or images on another website. Please either take down every referrence of [company name] or take the site down completely. If you have further questions please reply to this email.” Checked my inbox this morning to find this message […]
Update: Thanks to Andrew Peters, an MTN ezine reader, uber cool blogger and virtual PR expert based in Singapore, for his permission to share his email with you in response to this ezine article: Hi Barbara Thanks for your latest email, we are currently putting together a contest and your […]
Marketing Sherpa’s Special Report: Viral Marketing 2007 gives insights into how experienced viral marketers think. Marketing Sherpa is a leading resource for marketing knowledge, case studies and forward thinking about what’s working in marketing today. Reports like this one get posted online for a limited open access period before they […]
4.26.07 Update: Thanks to Fast Pitch! for posting this article. Click the image to see the email message. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here’s a clip from this week’s ezine article, “Portable PR: Business Marketing To Go” Make your card into a coupon with a discount for services or a free introductory consultation when […]
I admit it. I love to give stuff away. Today’s MTN free ezine subscribers got treated to a video marketing report – as my gift. Now, in our house Easter is not a gift holiday [well, no gifts over $25], but what’s nice about having a list of loyal readers is […]
The “Boomer Mom” factor. . . how marketers decide to present and promote their products to women ages 40-60 is morphing away from avoiding any direct online interaction into a realization that – OMG! – Boomer Moms get IT! Hey, baby let’s do email. When studies like this come out, the […]
This article goes out today to MTN News subcribers, which is published by CoryWest Media and written by Barbara Rozgonyi. For permission to reprint this article in your publication email connect [at] corywestmedia [dot] com. One of the “inside secrets” to Internet marketing success, article marketing, is really a well-known […]