What if you think your audience is mostly women, but it’s really mostly men? For some businesses, that may not matter so much. But, if you’re a rock band, having this information could make a huge difference in promotions, lyrics, partnerships and even the way you talk to your audience. […]
Take a look at this picture I snapped in the Morton Arboretum’s Daffodil Glade last Friday. You can see there is beauty in one flower, but there is pure power in bunches. That’s also true with news releases: write one about you and you get all the attention, or you […]
Looking for a quick-start guide to free seminar publicity? Then you’re in the right place! As seminar marketers and PR pros, Jenny Hamby and I want to share our success secrets. We want YOU to be successful! That’s why Jenny interviewed me, we transcribed our interview and turned it into […]
Monday means Marketing Sherpa. Today’s Marketing Sherpa PR Interview features Peter Shankman and his new site/service called “If I Can Help a Reporter Out, I Will.” The founder of The Geek Factory Inc., Peter also wrote the book, “Can we do that? Outrageous PR Stunts That Work and Why Your […]
If there’s one thing every speaker and author could use it’s more publicity. “I See Your Name Everywhere,” the title of PR/PR founder Pam Lontos’ new book, was also the topic of her presentation to NSA-IL today. Pam covered what you need to know to get more publicity, media attention […]
One of my clients asks me to do lots of research, but some of it is simple: I look into our creative archives and that’s where I find most of it. Sometimes, I have to go a bit further, but not far. That’s where I found myself today. Searching for […]
One of our most successful PR campaigns was written by our client’s patrons. We asked them to write love letters. With the writing prompt: “Why I Love My Library” and red heart-shaped notes, patrons of all ages penned their own love story. Then, they were free to post their note […]
Hat tips to Gavin for letting me know about My ooVoo Day and to Abraham Harrison for the details.What would it be like to talk to your favorite blogger in person? Thanks to ooVoo, you don’t have to travel to a blog or social media conference to find out.In a […]
Listen to an interview with a gamer . . . I asked for it . . .Yesterday I did a live question and answer session for public relations students. On the call I asked for questions that I could answer on my blog. Here’s one of them that came in […]
Want to be famous – just like your favorite celebrity? Read this article by Barbara Rozgonyi, founder of CoryWest Media, LLC to find out how you can share their spotlight. Technorati Tags: Celebrity PR,Barbara Rozgonyi,Public Relations,Publicity,Credibility First published on April 12, 2007 as a post with only the first three […]