At this time in 2007, it’s safe to say most of us had no friends on Facebook. Now we do. But for how long? What place in the crowded social networking space will emerge as the top contender in 2008? How many profiles, posts, uploads, updates, MySpace friend requests, LinkedIn […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
As a marketing/PR __________ [keep reading to find out why that’s blank], I often feel like one of my friends who once told me about her place in her profession, “Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s hard for me to go to meetings where I can actually learn […]
Hat tips to Gavin for letting me know about My ooVoo Day and to Abraham Harrison for the details.What would it be like to talk to your favorite blogger in person? Thanks to ooVoo, you don’t have to travel to a blog or social media conference to find out.In a […]
3-11-08 Update Workshop rescheduled. Stay tuned! Contact Barbara to set up your web PR publishing platform. When Ray Silverstein [that’s me with Ray in the photo] contacted me to talk about doing a Blogging for Business workshop in Chicago, the power went out and our phones were dead – talk […]
Found these lovely Chinese New Year graphics from Yangliuqing, made sometime between 1573 and 1620. Born in the year of the rat? Do these year of the rat characteristics from fit your personality? Leaders, pioneers, and conquerors who are charming, passionate, charismatic, practical and hardworking. Technorati Tags: Chinese New […]
You don’t have to choose between blogging and updating your website. You can do both. If you don’t yet have a blog, get one – now. Waiting another year or two to jump in will put you way, way, way behind your competition. The race for SEO keyword market share […]
Problogger is hosting a contest to win a copy of Web Design for ROI. To enter, you need to leave a comment about a blog theme you love [Darren‘s word] and use the keyword web design. This post is a good place to see what other people find attractive. I […]
Problem: you have no iPod or a limited CD collection – you write better when you listen to music – you have a HUGE deadline – tomorrow and you need creative inspiration NOW Solution: set up your own creative inspiration soundtrack when you register for free and dial your mood […]
If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog [affiliate link], you know how easy it is to change themes. Download, save, upload, extract and click. And, if you’ve checked in here lately, you know I’ve been doing lots of that. Changing looks runs in my family. If we have an outfit […]
Finding myself stuck here rather than on the road over the weekend due to an overly productive snowstorm, I hit the gym in search of double workout: cardio/social. On the elliptical, a neighbor and I started talking about the job market. As we racked up miles, our conversation soon wandered […]