At BlogWorld Expo, Steve Rubel talked about how to use technology to stream your business and your life from email to a site based on a platform called Posterous, pronounced päs-t(?-)r?s. Hope your find these note from Steve’s session to be helpful and informative. Image: Jason Falls of Social Media […]
How does twitter work in corporations? Thanks to Ragan Communications you can register for a one-day twitter bootcamp to attend in person in Chicago or live via webcast where ever you are. Disclosures: I am delighted to be the twitter PR speaker for this presentation. Event design and content shown here developed by Ragan Communications. […]
Martin Murray, senior corporate news representative for Public Service of New Hampshire started out by talking about how social media is changing news coverage. When a transformer caught on fire, and Martin got there every other person in the crowd had a phone and was updating their own personal networks. […]
Here’s a tool that measure sentiment on twitter. For wiredprworks . . . . 64% positive 33% neutral overall 3% negative Is that good? Is it better to be controversial? What I like about Twendz, a twitter tool to explore conversation and measure sentiment . . . Fast or […]
Twitter transcript . . . . wiredprworks: if you’re following me and I’m not following you, please send me a message @wiredprworks-trying to close the following/followers gap DaveTaylor: @wiredprworks but *why* are you trying to close that gap? wiredprworks: @DaveTaylor – don’t want to miss out any great folks – […]
“You were one of the first people on twitter,” a friend said as they introduced me to someone new at a party over the Memorial Day weekend. I replied: “Well not really.” “Yes, you were.” So, I looked it up. The date I set up my twitter account: Friday March […]
Let’s take inventory, okay? Get out a sheet of paper. Make three columns. Label one “group,” a second “connected” and the third “disconnected.” Connected means plugged in online via twitter, Facebook and Linked, etc. Disconnected means analog or email only. Now, list all of your groups in three categories: business, […]
A reader writes . . . I’m working on a proposal for PR work to a potential new client, and was wondering how you are incorporating social media tools into your proposals. Do you set up a separate rate structure re strategy and implementation for creating a buzz on blogs, […]
Before twitter, this kind of catastrophe might have been a bad brand smudge that could be wiped out over time. But not now. After checking out most of the Easter weekend, on Sunday night I dropped into to twitter to see what was going on. Well. lot and lots of […]
A reader writes: We’re an eco-friendly baby products company. How can we use social media? We plan to start a blog, but do you have any other ideas? Answer: [Have a question you’d like answered? Email with Question for Wired PR Works in the subject line.] Starting a blog […]