At BlogWorld Expo, Steve Rubel talked about how to use technology to stream your business and your life from email to a site based on a platform called Posterous, pronounced päs-t(?-)r?s. Hope your find these note from Steve’s session to be helpful and informative.
Image: Jason Falls of Social Media Explorer introduces Steve Rubel.
What, exactly is lifestreaming? Here’s one definition . . .
Definition of Lifestreaming
The term lifestream was coined by Eric Freeman and David Gelertner at Yale University in the mid-1990s to describe “…a time-ordered stream of documents that functions as a diary of your electronic life; every document you create and every document other people send you is stored in your lifestream. Source: Wikipedia
Does lifestreaming replace blogging? [via]
Selective Ignorance – Attention drives commerce
We are in an era of selective ignorance. People are becoming media agnostic. They think: If the news is important, it will find me. People will go deep when they want to go deep.
On average, an individual in the US visits 111 domains every month and 2500 pages.
We’re becoming addicted to short-form content; this is the reason twitter took off so fast. Everything now is moving faster.
Steve referenced this post from Stowe Boyd written in March 2008:
Stowe Boyd: Beyond Blogs: the Conversation Has Moved into the Flow
People need to hear from three to five different sources three to five ways before they buy from you; repetition is critical.
Edelman’s Trust Barometer study shows that digital elites trust employees over executives.
Micropersuasion Paused for Posterous Postings
Steve started micropersuasion in 2004 and wrote every day for three and a half years. By 2009, he had 60,000 subscribers and decided to stop blogging on this site and move over to Traveling without a notebook, Steve uses his iPhone to update and write posts from the posterous hub that pushes out to spokes on twitter and other places. Why?
“People are not coming to me anymore. I’m moving to where the conversation is.”
When Steve moved to posterous, micropersuaion contained 6000-7000 pages with a PR 7 [Google ranked the page 7 out of 10]. My question – although I didn’t ask it during the session – was how has the move affected Steve’s traffic. For the answers, I turned to
Everything you do on posterous is portable, you can have your own domain and everything is backed up in email. Lifestreaming allows you to aggregate all of your content in one place. Steve mentioned Evernote as a tool to check out.
“You gotta be everywhere. It’s really hard, but you have no choice.”
Lifestreaming’s Three Solutions to Being Everywhere
Solution 1: Ubiquity and Embassies
In today’s era of selective ignorance, we have to be ubiquitous. We have to be everywhere. Lifeblogging is the next step. This is not a new concept. Senator Bob Graham took notes about everything that happened in his life for 40 years. Embassies collect and distribute information.
Solution 2: Multiplicity and Diversity
To sustain attention, we have to have different stories in different venues on the same day in different formats.
Starbucks has lots of stories to tell on different platforms: My Starbucks Idea, twitter, YouTube
Center for Disease Control
Solution 3: Discoverability and Visibility
PR and marketing rain on people every day, so much so that they have to buy an umbrella. This is the primary way people will make decisions. Lifestreams do extremely well on Google with more searches inside more social networks.
Celebrities and Lifestreaming
Celebrities were built in an era of scarcity. In 1979, Andy Warhol predicted the future.
It’s the place where my prediction from the sixties finally came true: “In the future everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes.” I’m bored with that line. I never use it anymore. My new line is, “In fifteen minutes everybody will be famous.” Andy Warhol, Andy Warhol’s Exposures (1979) “Studio 54” source: Quotations Page
Now, we’re in an era where fame is abundant.
“In the future, everybody will be anonymous for 15 minutes.”
Celebrities who are successful will be more engaged one on one, like Tony Robbins.
There’s a Place for Digital Content Curators
In the future, people will be looking for digital content curators. Being a curator is a huge opportunity. People need someone to separate art from junk for them. Every niche will be served by a digital curator’s area of media reforestation. Valuable content that stands out always wins.
Disclosure: Thanks to BlogWorld Expo for granting me a media pass.
Other coverage of Steve Rubel’s Lifestreaming Session at 2009 BlogWorld Expo
Citizen Marketer 2.1 by Aaron Strout
Check out my 2009 BlogWorld Expo twitter coverage.
How do you think lifestreaming would work for you and your business?
9 thoughts on “Steve Rubel on Lifestreaming via Posterous at BWE09”
Great summary, thanks much!
.-= Steve Rubel´s last blog ..The State of the Blogosphere 2009 Edition =-.
Great summary, thanks much!
.-= Steve Rubel´s last blog ..The State of the Blogosphere 2009 Edition =-.
Great summary, thanks much!
.-= Steve Rubel´s last blog ..The State of the Blogosphere 2009 Edition =-.
You’re welcome Steve! Love getting your updates.
.-= Barbara Rozgonyi´s last blog ..Steve Rubel on Lifestreaming via Posterous at BWE09 =-.
Technorati interview with Steve Rubel about why he made the switch to Posterous:
Technorati interview with Steve Rubel about why he made the switch to Posterous: