On April 17, West Suburban Philanthropic Network [WSPN] presents “The Nonprofit Development Professionals Guide to Creating a Social Media Plan.” I am honored to be the presenter. If you’re in nonprofit development and you work in the Chicago area, it would be great to have your voice in our community […]
Non-Profit Marketing
Coming up on March 21 from 6:00-8:00 p.m at Catalyst Ranch., Social Media Club Chicago is hosting an event that will be interesting to anyone who wants to know how to grow a community around a cause. Promising to be an inspiring, and informative event, here are the details from […]
Three out of four marketing and PR workshops for IAPD IPRA went well: lots of space, time and room for conversation. When I saw the room for my Social Media Sampler presentation, I got a bit concerned. Fifteen minutes before I was set to start, it was already almost full. […]
Next week, I’m honored to present four programs at the IAPD/IPRA [Illinois Association of Park Districts – Illinois Park and Recreation Association conference]. Thanks so much to Jessica Alexenko of the Lisle Park District for booking me to speak at two workshops and two breakout sessions. We started talking about […]
Leave it to Chris Brogan to write what I’ve been thinking about. In his post, Grow Bigger Ears in 10 Minutes, Chris walks you through a process for listening to conversations online. You need to do this. It takes a surprisingly short amount of time to tune into online conversations […]
It sounds strange, but sometimes I forget that I’m a photographer. A photographer who is published, sells images and truly loves making pictures. Giving strategic marketing advice, crafting news releases and coaching clients is different than being the one capturing images, but it’s how I usually position myself […]
Today is Blog Action Day. Almost 9,600 bloggers with over 10 million readers will take over the Internet to talk about one topic: poverty. Blog Action Day 2007’s topic? The environment – last year I wrote about why you need environmental PR. Blog Action Day 2008’s site lists […]
Today is Blog Action Day. Almost 9,600 bloggers with over 10 million readers will take over the Internet to talk about one topic: poverty. Blog Action Day 2007’s topic? The environment – last year I wrote about why you need environmental PR. Blog Action Day 2008’s site lists […]
The gist of the call that got me into a part-time faculty position at the Academy for Nonprofit Excellence went something like this . . . The assigned instructor moved out of state. In three weeks, class starts. There is no set curriculum. You need to come up with 16 […]
Welcome to July! Where will your adventures take you this month? Going on vacation, to the fireworks, to a parade, to the beach, to a conference? Will I see you at BlogHer ’08 in San Francisco? Check out the list of BlogHer ’08 attendees. I had so much fun volunteering […]