Marketers love storytelling. I know. I’ve presented all kinds of storytelling programs, including digital marketing and storytelling. Yet, is storytelling the right way to build brands – and even tell stories? Are the 4Ps ready for a makeover? Is it time to update the marketing customer experience design approach? What […]
customer relationships
Companies who rely on social media as a customer service information outpost will be interested in a report that says, “The number of questions asked via social media channels account for less than 1/100th of a percent of questions asked via customer-facing websites.” The report shows how much more likely […]
Today’s mail call brought in two thank you notes. One, in the form of a postcard, came from addressed to my son who returned a pair of shoes. He’s growing fast, but he only needed one size bigger, not two, to replace his shredded Lakai Manchester Selects. What do […]
Yesterday, I took our oldest daughter to vote, her very first time. She did touch-screen. I colored in the circles. Then, we went to Starbucks for our free coffee. “With love from corporate,” our barrister said as he handed over the tall dark roast. Later, it was on to an […]
When you go to a popular restaurant, you often have to wait a bit before being seated. How do you pass the time? Do you think about what you’re going to order? How excited you are to be there? Perhaps starting a new public relations project or promoting an event […]
Did you find everything you were looking for? That’s the question every customer gets asked every time they check out at our Trader Joe’s, “your neighborhood grocery store.” Unless I’m in my friend Dan’s line where we quickly take the next few minutes to exchange news [they’re going to Indiana […]
Your community is a set of concentric circles, beginning with your closet relationships and expanding out as far as your would like to reach. In plumbing the depths of my experiences archive, I remembered this presentation I created two years ago. Dual cast to a live audience in the room […]