Depending on where you stand and look at “The Bean” in Chicago, you’ll see different reflections. [image credit: the social lens] The skyline is the same, but the sky and the people are different. Content works the same way. You produce it and it’s up to the reader or viewer […]
Google AdWords
Type in online pr speaker – no quotes – and this is what comes up. Does your screen look like my screen? Click on the image to enlarge. My Unscientific guesses as to why these online pr speaker results rank the way they do Exact keyword match in page […]
Given the title “Wired PR Works,” you might think this blog is about marketing, social media and public relations? Not really, it’s mostly about RSS and search engines – at least that’s what Google says. How does Google review you and your site? What keywords does Google suggest you use? […]
Talking about online marketing and public relations is one of my passions. Every chance I get, I share my knowledge. Thanks to Dr. Pauline Wallin for selecting me as her online virtual publicity expert in her upcoming “Marketing with Authority” distance learning course. Find out how Pauline promotes her programs […]
Routing customers through a sales process is a necessity – the more clear the direction to their desired destination, the better the probability that they will see your ad, find you in a search, click on a link and then find a match. Landing pages welcome visitors and let them […]