Press Releases Power Up Small Business Enterpreneurs, as seen on . . .

inc-pressreleasesWhile it didn’t take a press release to get interviewed in a feature about the power of press releases for small businesses on [published this week], it did take a personal connection.

A connection with the writer, Marla Tabaka, a contributor to’s one person business blog series.

Marla also writes for Sparkplugging. A few months back, she asked me to contribute to an article there about the greatest work at home challenges for entrepreneurs. And, soon you’ll be seeing an article from Marla here.

Here’s the intro to the article . . .

You may be operating a one-person-business, but there are many resources and tools out there that aren’t just for the big guys anymore. Today we’re going to focus on the power behind press releases. Yes, that’s right; even small business’s can achieve phenomenal growth with the proper use of press releases.


Read the rest of the article on the power of press releases for small businesses.

How would getting a placement like this benefit your business?

  • instills credibility with approval from a top-ranked publishing source
  • gives you an opportunity to promote the placement via a press release and blog postings
  • opens the door for more features in other publications
  • extends your reach to new audiences that recognize you as an expert

How do you get these kinds of placements?

Be a publisher that’s known for your work. Don’t have a blog? Ask to be a guest author on other people’s blogs and contribute meaningful comments. Where would you like to be published?


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