There’s nothing like a great saying to inspire us. For years authors have leaned upon quotes from the past to initiate creative thinking. Historians have used the sayings of those who came before us to understand history’s affect on the future. While it may seem that words from the past […]
My good friend Jenny Hamby aka The Seminar Marketing Pro for some of the biggest names in the business, says “Three of the top questions I hear from seminar leaders and promoters– new and experienced alike – are: “How do I reach more people without spending more on marketing?” “How […]
It’s that time of year: when people in Elvis, Angry Birds, and other popular Halloween costumes show up. In just about two weeks, Halloween ghosts and goblins start ringing doorbells. Let me ask a personal question: How do you treat at Halloween? As you’re getting ready for Halloween and the […]
632 pounds. On display in Las Vegas, this outrageous orange pumpkin attracted all kinds of attention. How can you do that? One easy way is to step into the spotlight that’s already on during national holidays and special observances. If there was ever a month to promote your business, October is […]
“Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics” ~ Jane Addams September is Ethical Awareness Month. Although PRSA is the organization that’s naming it, I thought it would be interesting to see how other industries in our collective fields approach ethics. So, I did a search. You’ll see the […]
Ten years ago, today, we remember. We never forget. Today, we pause and reflect as a world changed. Here’s an update on a previous post with thoughts on how the September 11 attacks immediately reshaped community, public relations and communications. September 11 Memorial Information 9/11 Memorial Site Google News about […]
A river, a train, a street, a bridge, a walkway, a building – each offers a way to get from one place to another. How you determine your path, speed and method of transportation will measure how fast you get where you want to go. ROI is important, but […]
Read this post. Watch this video. You could save a life. It’s Suicide Prevention Awareness Week. Over the weekend, we lost one of social media’s brightest stars. Emotions range from confusion, frustration, sadness, shock and disbelief. Although I greatly admired Trey as a fellow Social Media Club chapter leader, I […]
Hello reader . . . are you peering in from a PR platform or a marketing mainframe? Wherever you come from, I’ve always believed that marketing and PR are better together – kind of like peanut butter and chocolate. “If marketing is the structure that transforms a company into a […]
Two minutes – that’s all 30 speakers [check out the list later in this post] got to answer one question about the future of media. I can’t wait to hear what these visionaries have to say. That’s why I’m inviting you to register for The Future of Media: Radical Integration. Presented […]