Barry, Barry, Barry . . . that’s the name that kept coming up as someone I had to meet. Today I’m happy to introduce you, too, to Barry as in Barry Moltz. Thanks to Barry for buying me lunch at Navy Pier and telling me how he helps small businesses […]
Monthly Archives: May 2010
Creating community: one of the biggest missing pieces in the marketing and PR puzzle. Whenever we present our accelerated marketing plans, we always talk about creating, building and nurturing a community. In plumbing the depths of my experiences archive, I remembered this presentation I created four years ago. Dual cast […]
On April 19 I covered key highlights from a 2010 media survey, but I missed an important one. When I tweeted this stat: according to PRNewswire 70% of social media tweets result in coverage vs 20% traditional PR given at presentation at the UnGeeked Elite Conference in Milwaukee, it got […]
Take your prospects behind the scenes with client success stories: all ready and made for marketing.
One way to get media attention is to tie your news into special days, weeks or months. Sure, you can make up your own -that’s a good strategy. But, why not build on a celebration that’s already going to be going on? For example . . . What’s so special […]
Happy Mother’s Day 2010 Twenty years ago today I woke up in a hotel room in St. Louis and made a decision that would change my life. It was my first Mother’s Day. I had a beautiful baby girl. And, I was alone. I was at a conference that, professionally, […]
What happens when social networking skills meet up with horoscopes? Thursday, May 6th, 2010 — You may be proud of your social networking skills, yet you still might feel like an outsider today. You want to be accepted by others, yet you choose to do things that demonstrate your independence […]
Today is LinkedIn’s seventh anniversary! When did you sign up for LinkedIn? I joined LinkedIn on May 23, 2005. Your LinkedIn profile gives you automatic access to the world’s largest professional online network. Latest LinkedIn Facts LinkedIn has over 65 million members in over 200 countries. A new member joins […]
On April 11, I attended my first Chicago Moms Blog live event. Produced by Silicon Valley Moms and sponsored by Chevy, contributors to Chicago Moms Blog convened to discuss brands and blogs. Held at Hard Rock Hotel, a brands meet blogs reception followed the almost two hour discussion. Thanks to […]
UnGeeked – what is it and who is it? Before you say “Wait – don’t tell me,” check out the UnGeeked Elite Video Channel at the bottom of this post. Thirteen people talk about what UnGeeked means to them. We got sort of a prelude in Chicago at “Using Social […]