A reader wants to know more about a service called WebWire. Here’s Adan’s comment he wrote on a post that covered news about online news distribution services: barbara, hi, i’m very new to this, and this trying to choose which online pr to go with for our first (and hopefully […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
What does this offline direct marketing technique have to do with online marketing and blogging? Let’s find out. Mailing is only one way to use a postcard. At Internet marketing conferences, I always take something to hand out. Last time it was a full-page social networking bio, but most of […]
Welcome! You flew in from twitter, right? I first put this guide together in March 2008, a few weeks after getting serious about setting up a twitter profile. Back then, there weren’t that many people on twitter, but today twitter’s becoming a must-participate communications tool for businesses, non-profits, entrepreneurs and […]
Not week 42, 256, 79.5 or 1, but week 123. I like the order in that. Last week, Liz Strauss gave me the right to call myself a Successful Blog SOB. What IS an SOB?! Congratulations go out to my fellow week 123 inductees: carlocab The Hot Iron Mousewords Queen […]
Late yesterday, I got a frantic call to proof two brochures. With a team of proofreaders on stand-by, all I had to was forward a file. That’s not what happened. . . . Because I started asking questions like what: Do you want us to look for – proof-reading, style […]
03.10.08 Update When Liz Strauss asked me to write a guest post, I did. Being so grateful for the opportunity, I decided that to offer her readers value-added off the blog. So, I’m hosting a Lucky PR Teleseminar on St. Patrick’s Day. Have a question you’ve always wanted to ask? Here’s […]
Writing an upcoming guest post got me wondering, what does “PR” stand for? We’re talking initials, not industry. A few thoughts . . . PR = personal record free download book by Joseph Conrad PR = personal record, a runner’s best time for a given distance PR = page rank PR= press […]
I can count on it. An invitation to at least two parties arrives in my email box every Thursday around 5:00. They come from a girl I used to know. Every week she invites me, and her fans, to party with her. I wonder if her mother gets these emails. […]
Thanks to Liz Strauss for forwarding me an invitation to Jeff Pulver’s social networking breakfast in Chicago this morning. The inventor of the personal networking tool kit, Jeff is also the author of The Pulver Report. I got my first issue a few minutes ago. Packed with information about technology […]
If you are thinking of blogging, here are ten ways blogging helps you grow business online . . . .1. Differentiates you/your company as innovative and influential 2. Saves money on website design-maintenance: low or no-cost 3. Simplifies content creation, no HTML or Web design software 4. Makes updates instantaneous […]