If you’ve ever won a contest, you know how good it feels to be a winner. Hosting a contest invites participation and gives people something to talk about: you! This post first appeared here in April 2007 with the first three steps only. Today, I’m adding in five more. What […]
Monthly Archives: August 2008
Thanks to the agency who contacted me, Barbara Rozgonyi, about being a social media keynote speaker for a conference this fall. Do you have an event coming up? Feel free to use these mini-outlines as a starting point. Focusing on a single social media element is a good idea. There’s […]
Type in online pr speaker – no quotes – and this is what comes up. Does your screen look like my screen? Click on the image to enlarge. My Unscientific guesses as to why these online pr speaker results rank the way they do Exact keyword match in page […]
When you go to a popular restaurant, you often have to wait a bit before being seated. How do you pass the time? Do you think about what you’re going to order? How excited you are to be there? Perhaps starting a new public relations project or promoting an event […]
The gist of the call that got me into a part-time faculty position at the Academy for Nonprofit Excellence went something like this . . . The assigned instructor moved out of state. In three weeks, class starts. There is no set curriculum. You need to come up with 16 […]
California and Illinois tied for top state with the most readers. That’s one of my more interesting findings from July’s end of month statistics. In June, I reported on the most read posts. This month, I decided to build in Google Analytics, a free service you can sign up for […]