“If you’re not in sales, you should be. Your persistence is impressive.” one of my many messages to someone I met at a networking event. It took a collective 21 emails to schedule a phone conversation. How easily do you give up on networking follow up? If you’re like me, […]
Monthly Archives: March 2008
What does it take to write copy that works? For me, it’s knowing who I’m talking to, why my message is important to them, and where they will read/see the information. How about you? The need to write copy on purpose effectively hit home – with a resounding thud – […]
Looking for a quick-start guide to free seminar publicity? Then you’re in the right place! As seminar marketers and PR pros, Jenny Hamby and I want to share our success secrets. We want YOU to be successful! That’s why Jenny interviewed me, we transcribed our interview and turned it into […]
What’s it like for an outsider to peer into our window? Last week when I visited the Art Institute of Chicago’s Edward Hopper exhibit, I was captivated by Hopper’s artistic interpretation of daily life from an outsider’s perspective. When I read Liz Strauss’ post about 10 ways to make your […]
Monday means Marketing Sherpa. Today’s Marketing Sherpa PR Interview features Peter Shankman and his new site/service called “If I Can Help a Reporter Out, I Will.” The founder of The Geek Factory Inc., Peter also wrote the book, “Can we do that? Outrageous PR Stunts That Work and Why Your […]
Every month or so, I meet with a group of people all interested in one thing: growing their business on the Internet. Well, make that two things: the other, as important, is balancing life so it’s enjoyable, livable and rewarding. An informal, loosely-structure network, the group meets for a few […]
Let’s get studious. . . stats and results you might enjoy. PR Research Drives Business – How About Yours? IPR, the Institute for Public Relations, reports on ways public relations research drives business results. Download IPR’s report and learn how you can use PR measurement systems in six case studies. […]
On our PR Parade podcast yesterday, Jenny Hamby reminded me that we first met at a sold-out Writing for the Web conference I put on for the Independent Writers of Chicago about five years ago. It’s been way too long since I produced a major event and if I […]
For those of you who missed the PR P-R-I-M-E-R call this morning, here’s a replay. Listen as Jenny Hamby, The Seminar Marketing Pro, interviews me about how to use the power of publicity to promote your blog and your business. You’ll learn: – why you must think like a publisher […]
For our call today, we’re taking you behind the scenes. This is the same information my co-host, Jenny Hamby, The Seminar Marketing Pro, gets. Because this is a casual call, I’m asking Jenny to walk us through the PR P-R-I-M-E-R and then open the call for questions and answers. Introductions […]