It all started, for me, when Junta 42 asked their top bloggers to predict what they think will happen with social media and content in 2009. So I put together my short list of the Top 10 2009 Social Media and Content Predictions 1. Short: Twitter bursts conversations 2. Visual: […]
Yearly Archives: 2008
I love to speak and help others get out there with their message. Recently, someone asked about where to find more information on how to manage a professional speaking business. Start by checking out your local chapter of the National Speakers Association? Our Illinois Chapter is very friendly, encouraging […]
Matthew Watson who writes from PR to Eternity recently updated his world’s top PR blogs list. The qualifier? The list includes only blogs on AdAge Power 150 with PR, Public Relations, Publicity or Flack in the title, along with a few suggestions. This time around, Matthew added in twitter IDs. […]
A fancy bow, a cluster of silver spheres, and graceful greenery decked a grand staircase at Macy’s on State Street, formerly known as Marshall Fields. This image turned out as self-portrait captured in every ornament. How do you reflect in all the spheres you encounter? View the Holiday on State […]
Looking for help on how to make the most of your LinkedIn connections? On January 15, 2009, I’ll be presenting LinkedIn 101: How to Build Your Business with Online Networking for West Suburban Women Entrepreneurs. Here’s a presentation guide along with registration information. If you’re a meeting planner who needs […]
Thanks to Joanna Young of Confident Writing for coming up with the Simply the Best group writing project. It’s a call to sort through all of your 2008 posts and pick out just one to share. Joanna will be posting the collection. I’m looking forward to reading what others selected […]
Microsoft’s getting lots of attention [Small Businesses to PPC: Drop Dead] for its survey that finds 70% of small business owners would rather do their own taxes than manage a PPC [pay per click ad words] campaign. We don’t do our clients’ taxes, but we do manage their marketing strategies, […]
So many interesting Search Engine Strategy Sessions, so little time to attend them all. In terms of search engine optimization priorities, you might put lots of other topics ahead of storytelling. Like links, AdWords and platforms. But, what’s a person, company or organization without a story? Because my company is […]
A reader writes “Would love to have your thoughts on our new village logo.” Attached to the message, I found a file with over 30 different logo options. Do you have a question you’d like to ask? Leave your reply in the comment box. Answer: Branding a village – ah […]
BurrellesLuce recently released a report on the top 2009 media outlets, including comparisons to past rankings. Grab your copy of the two-page BurrellesLuce’s 2009 “Top Daily Newspapers, Blogs, and Consumer Magazines & Social Networks.” Note that you will have to enter name and email address in exchange for the information. […]