Looking for help on how to make the most of your LinkedIn connections? On January 15, 2009, I’ll be presenting LinkedIn 101: How to Build Your Business with Online Networking for West Suburban Women Entrepreneurs. Here’s a presentation guide along with registration information. If you’re a meeting planner who needs a speaker, please call me at 630.207.7530 to check availability. Last-minute invitations welcome. View Barbara Rozgonyi’s LinkedIn profile.
LinkedIn 101 by Barbara Rozgonyi Presentation Guide
LinkedIn provides a place for your professional credentials, your thought leadership and your community platform – all for free, all in one consolidated center. In this session, you’ll learn how to start building your business online with a strategy that incorporates search engine optimization, marketing, human resources, communications and public relations. As a woman-owned business, you’ll find out how belonging to the LinkedIn community can polish your profile, enhance your professional image, and present you as the industry leader you are.
In this session we’ll cover:
• what you need to get started
• why you need keywords
• examples of good profiles
• where to find connections
• what groups to join
• when to answer questions
• how to stay in touch
• which picture to use
• what to say in your tagline
You’ll take home tools to get started: an action checklist and a fill-in-the-blanks profile form.
How to RSVP
RSVPs are requested by January 12, 2009.
Members: Email Karen Hanrahan, Program Chair with your acceptance or regrets.
Guests: Click here to register online and pay only $40 if you pre-register by January 12, 2009. Or you may register at the meeting (cost is $50).
About West Suburban Women Entrepreneurs
West Suburban Women Entrepreneurs is an organization that provides an empowering forum for women business owners in Chicago’s western suburbs. We nurture meaningful relationships between women business owners—relationships that fuel both professional and personal growth.
Our monthly meetings and special programs provide educational insights and networking opportunities that widen your circle of influence.