It’s almost ceremonious. Sitting at a meeting, I watched Dave fix his coffee. He opens and pours in a packet of sweetener. Stirs. Opens and pours in a container of hazlenut creamer. Stirs. Folds up the sweetener packet. Inserts it into the creamer container. Opens and pours in sweetener packet […]
For the 241 people who registered interest in attending SMC Chicago’s March event, business to business and social media is a hot topic. It all comes down to listening. But, first you have to have the tools to tune in. And, you have to go where your people are, which […]
On Friday, the first day of spring!, I’ll be presenting this 20 minute social media mashup to the National Speakers Association’s Illinois Chapter. My inspiration comes from a play our family saw called “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare: Abridged.” On our family trip out west a few years back […]
Here’s the latest in our reader Q&A series . . . from a college student in Toronto who asked questions in the comment box on a recent post about questioning twitter boundaries. Thanks to Cory for giving me permission to answer her questions as a blog post and to and […]
“I’m calling you because I’m in the happy doodle business. This guy wants to get serious. Maybe you can help him. Here’s his number” That’s the call I got late one afternoon from a well-regarded PR agency that specializes in happy stories. But, life isn’t always happy, fun or pretty […]
Red, red wine you make me feel so fine You keep me rocking all of the time Don’t know if that’s his theme song, but that’s the background music in Gary Vaynerchuk’s, Affiliate Summit West conference keynote. I watched it live, took notes and pulled out the highlights. Host of […]
It’s priceless. And it’s yours. However . . . The way people see you online is not all up to you. Your reputation is in the eye of your reader. While you have some control over where you show up and how you position yourself, [trust me on this] you […]
Is it right to take someone down? At this moment, an online press release someone distributed about their twitter accomplishments is on Digg. The title isn’t very complimentary. And while I agree with the assessment that bragging about something isn’t the right way to market – especially if what you’re […]
When I first published this post on November 20, 2007, the world was a different place – for me and my business. Wired PR Works, at this URL, was only about eight weeks old, I wasn’t on twitter and social media was something I read about, not interacted with. Being […]
How do you feel about rejection? “Rejection is the absence of meaningful love.” Charles Solomon, author “Actors search for rejection. If they don’t get it they reject themselves.” Charlie Chaplin “I think all great innovations are built on rejections.” Louis Ferdinand Celine, French writer and physicist 1894-1961 “I take rejection […]