Challenge: Differentiating You and What You Do Solution: Promote ALL of YOU, including your social network Read: 33 Ways to Get Social Networking to Work for You Time: < 3 minutes to read Action: Choose top 2 or 3 to implement Inspiration: Chris Brogan’s post “Will Companies Value Your Personal […]
When I first met Mark, he scared the trust out of me. He was too tall, too good looking, too positive, too polished, too loud and too unreal. How could a guy beam so bright all the time? What kind of show did he think he was on? Because I […]
How do you know when it’s time to stay where you are, forge ahead or turn around? I turned around two times while hiking this week in New Mexico. The prospect of slipping on loose rocks and tumbling down steep inclines made my mind convince me that going up wasn’t […]
Yesterday, Gary Vaynerchuk decided that today is Good People Day. If you don’t know Gary, and I didn’t until a few weeks ago, you’ll soon his name somewhere – make that everywhere. According to his blog: Gary Vaynerchuk has captured national attention as a businessman and Internet celebrity. Gary’s fame […]
I can count on it. An invitation to at least two parties arrives in my email box every Thursday around 5:00. They come from a girl I used to know. Every week she invites me, and her fans, to party with her. I wonder if her mother gets these emails. […]
At this time in 2007, it’s safe to say most of us had no friends on Facebook. Now we do. But for how long? What place in the crowded social networking space will emerge as the top contender in 2008? How many profiles, posts, uploads, updates, MySpace friend requests, LinkedIn […]
If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog [affiliate link], you know how easy it is to change themes. Download, save, upload, extract and click. And, if you’ve checked in here lately, you know I’ve been doing lots of that. Changing looks runs in my family. If we have an outfit […]
It’s easy to tell when there’s a push to propel a book to a number one spot on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Your email in box floods with free offers from any marketer who’s participating. To spike high rise sales, the formula calls for participation from dozens of marketers […]