Internet Video Update: helloWorld 5.0

"They’re too long. Go back to the video," was one of the responses I got today when I asked my VM Direct colleagues what they thought of my ezine.

Watch a sample of helloWorld’s product in this video where I talk about "What’s on My Whiteboard."

One of the demos we saw in our meeting was of me teaching the Video Marketing 101 course I created last April.

"Why don’t you do that again?" "Why don’t you sell it?" "How can I buy your Seminar PR course?"

All great questions that got me thinking.

I’m excited about helloWorld’s new 5.0 version, but I can’t sell it quite yet.

While we’re in the soft launch phase, it’s best to keep the excitement contained. I can tell you that a new layer of upgrades appears everyday and we’re thisclose to having all the tools in the box and ready to go.

In September 2004, I became a VM direct affilate with the intention of being on the forefront of the Internet video revolution. Boy, was I.

Everyone I sent video emails to found the technology compelling, but too far out for their own use. It’s not that way anymore.

What’s so great about helloWorld 5.0?

Can you say integrated digital media suite?

No one – anywhere – offers such a solid collection of easy-to-use media tools, like: video email, live broadcast on demand, live IM with up to 4 viewers at a time, podcasting, media storage, a blog/vlog and a personalized home page center.

This social media suite is sort of a YouTube meets My Space meets TypePad meets Outlook.

All starting at $9.95 per month.

At the affiliate meeting , I started ticking off my monthly investment for online marketing tools: $29.95 Marketing Makeover Generator; $19.95 Audio Acrobat; $11.95 Yahoo! Business Mail; and $14.95 Typepad.

From a successful business owner’s perspective, it’s not the money that concerns me. It’s the time mangement and individual learning curve for each of these products.

After testing out helloWorld 5.0 and comparing it to all the other products I’ve tested (and own(ed)), I’m estimating that this product will save serious amounts of time – in preliminary and ongoing training.

It’s hard to believe there are only 25 VMdirect affiliates in the Chicago area today. Or that you can open an affiliate distribution business for as little as $299, but no more than $1999 – and you’ll get free equipment, training and all kinds of support. If you’re looking for an opportunity to open an easy-to-run and profitable business, visit my VMdirect affiliate site at

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