How will organizations measure social media success in 2013? One answer is engagement. “This year, realize that your greatest assets are both humility and aspiration. Your ability to see things differently will in fact drive you to do things differently. By applying a new philosophy and methodology to your digital […]
Social Media
As a MacBook Pro and iPhone 5 owner, I’m always interested in what’s up next from Apple. Today’s keynote from Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), June 10-14 in San Francisco, announced the latest in iOS and OS X design and development. As expected, Apple introduced iOS7. Watch the iOS7 video. Want to compare developer announcements? […]
Hey Chicago social media types – what are you doing Thursday night? Inviting you to join SMC Chicago, SOBCon and me for what promises to be one of May’s most entertaining events! Here’s the official invitation information. And yes, you can even order your tickets right here on this site! […]
Social media is the leading way the study subjects report finding out about causes – and in some cases, that information spurs further action like donating or volunteering. Above all, it sparks conversation about issues – and that’s good news for causes seeking greater visibility. Katya Andresen CSO and COO […]
Thanks to IAPD/IPRA for inviting me back to speak at the Soaring to New Heights annual conference, and to present the WIRED 2.0 system for the first time. The original WIRED social media marketing system workshop was built on Words, Intentions, Routes, Experiences and Design. A more modern and progressive model, WIRED […]
Technology, healthcare, politics and entertainment: the top topics for TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and bloggers. Recently released, the 2012 Web Influencers Survey reports on insights into how media gets news now. Not surprisingly, reporters, journalists and producers now turn to social media and the web to mine for sources and […]
On Wednesday, September 19, PR Newswire, in cooperation with Business Development Institute, presents the Chicago Integrated Communications Forum, a gathering of marketing and communications executives from leading brands and agencies. It’s an honor to be on the panel with speakers from WOMMA, Chrysler and PR Newswire. Are you in the Chicago […]
It’s true confession time. What social media sin do you love to call out or hate to commit? Thanks to Scott Kleinberg, Chicago Tribune’s social media specialist, for getting us started with his list of four frequently committed social media sins. On July 20, I had the pleasure of moderating […]
Hey iPhone, iPad and MacBook fans, Apple announced a new operating system and a new Macbook line up today. Love how they keep upping the wow factor. What Apple’s Updates Mean to Marketing and PR People Social media is now more tightly integrated into the user interface [i.e. auto, phone, […]
Last November, I wrote about the AmEx Open Forum Shop Small campaign. As a small business owner, consultant and customer, I appreciate AmEx Open Forum’s ongoing commitment. That’s why I was so excited when Katie Morell contacted me about being quoted in the AmEx Open Forum 2012 Social Media Business […]