As a MacBook Pro and iPhone 5 owner, I’m always interested in what’s up next from Apple. Today’s keynote from Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), June 10-14 in San Francisco, announced the latest in iOS and OS X design and development. As expected, Apple introduced iOS7. Watch the iOS7 video. Want to compare developer announcements? […]
mobile marketing
Social media is the leading way the study subjects report finding out about causes – and in some cases, that information spurs further action like donating or volunteering. Above all, it sparks conversation about issues – and that’s good news for causes seeking greater visibility. Katya Andresen CSO and COO […]
Back in 1983 could anyone have predicted how mobile marketing is changing the way we do business? As customers rely more and more on smartphones to connect them to their networks and companies, it’s critical for small business to know what’s coming up next. Thanks to AT&T Chicago and Erin […]
Even though I don’t have an iPhone, I want iPhone apps. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve said, “If I had an iPhone, I could _______________.” That’s the personal side. From the business side, I looked into making iPhone apps for clients a few months ago. We […]