STUDY: The State of Social Marketing – A New Era of Digital Engagement


How will organizations measure social media success in 2013? One answer is engagement.

“This year, realize that your greatest assets are both humility and aspiration. Your ability to see things differently will in fact drive you to do things differently. By applying a new philosophy and methodology to your digital approach will naturally make your business and your overall strategy…meaningful and social. This is after all, about experiences now more than ever.” Brian Solis

A new study based on a survey of 181 social marketers and digital strategists who represent agencies and brands sheds insights into how to market in 2013 and beyond. Produced by Brian Solis and the Pivot Conference team, the 2012-2013 “State of Social Marketing” report looks at how dramatically social media is transforming.

The State of Social Marketing Study Highlights

In 2011, 77% of brands believed they understood their social customers, yet only 35% did the work to better understand them.

In 2012, the number of businesses that had a clear picture of their social customers dropped to 62%.

In 2011 and 2012 businesses largely ignored their customer’s digital needs and actions with 53% and 54% respectively not attempting to explore the differences between what they think they want and what they really want.

Yet, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

For example, while engagement will measure success, most organizations still have not asked their customers this question: What is the greatest benefit you expect to receive from social media engagement with our organization?

How about you – do you know how your customers define social media benefits and expectations?

How may of these top 10 relate to your social customer community expectations?

The Top 10 Assumptions of Social Consumer Expectations

  1. Exclusive content
  2. Insight to make decisions (Moments of Truth)
  3. Customer service
  4. Be part of a community
  5. Deals/Promotions
  6. Learn about new products
  7. Ability to provide feedback for improvement (Influence Loop)
  8. Inclusive experience in social absent of websites
  9. Loyalty/Rewards for engagement
  10. Social commerce

To me, it’s interesting to see content #1 and commerce #10. How about you?

For more details and stats, here’s the 2013 Research Report: State of Social Media Marketing 2012-2013 

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