Looking to grow business in new directions? Here’s some advice from today’s guest blogger, Brad Shorr. PR Firms Can Find New Clients with Digital Agency Partnerships The firm I work for is an Internet marketing agency. We specialize in things like search engine optimization and social media marketing. And, if […]
Public relations and social media is the fourth episode in the social media marketing video series. Looking for video tips? Check out these three in a guest post, originally run here in April 2011 by Bob Tripathi, the Founder & CEO of Internet Marketing Training company Instantetraining.com. 3 YouTube & Video Marketing Tricks […]
In researching how Pinterest benefits businesses, I came across so many helpful articles that I wanted to group them together as a collection. Using list.ly, I came up with 50 Pinterest for business resources. Feel free to share, embed, add more resources and comment on those listed. Thanks for helping […]
The Patriots and Giants will be lining up on the 50 yard line, but the Super Bowl’s MVP – social media, got into the game weeks ago. Here’s a look at what’s going on in the streets and on screens. How has social media affected your Super Bowl experience so […]
Today’s guest post is by Stacey Acevero, Social Media Community Manager at PR Web. Looking for a way to boost your social media and PR? We have the perfect tool to deepen your engagement with consumers and provide your online marketing with a creative spark. Skype can give your business […]
In 2011, BtoB surveyed more than 550 executives for Emerging Trends in B-to-B Social Media Marketing: Insights From the Field. Three charts about methods and obstacles are yours for the viewing. If you want more information, you can purchase the complete report. Methods Used for B2B Social Media Marketing When […]
You have about four weeks to get ready for 2012. Don’t let another year go by watching your competition own the market you want to be in. To end 2011 on a high flame and put some kindle on the fire for 2012, I’d like to invite you attend one […]
Gratitude is the sign of noble souls. Aesop In the United States, we celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of every year. But, you don’t have to be a resident to count your blessings. To help you do that, here’s a refresh of a post that first appeared here in […]
In the good old days of SEO (2010), cranking out an endless supply of online press releases was standard operating procedure. Whether or not it was newsworthy, whether or not it was well written, and whether or not it provided any useful information at all, the online press release provided […]
Whenever this question comes up, no one wants to, directly, answer it. The question is: how much does it cost to sponsor a blogger? The answer is: [I think] it depends on what the brand is willing to pay. It depends on what the blogger is willing to ask for. […]