Challenge: Differentiating You and What You Do
Solution: Promote ALL of YOU, including your social network
Read: 33 Ways to Get Social Networking to Work for You
Time: < 3 minutes to read
Action: Choose top 2 or 3 to implement
Inspiration: Chris Brogan’s post “Will Companies Value Your Personal Network?”
33 Ways to Get Social Networking to Work for You
Share your ideas – let’s see if we can get the list to 50!
- Clarify your message: what do you want to be known for? Social networks ask for a personal tag
- Commune with crowds: choose a few select social networking communities and be active
- Gather in groups: start or join a group on LinkedIn or Facebook, expand your network by connecting with others who share your interests
- Track your referrers: find out where contacts coming from – ask new twitter followers how they found you
- Name your a network and make it a desirable destination
- Promote your affiliations: let people know who you’re affiliated with and why
- Join an association or membership group and show up in forums
- Build on your blog’s reach to other bloggers
- Choose a few mentors and see how they present themselves online
- Welcome new members with a link to a helpful article or a free report
- Set aside time to get to know people you like offline
- Call new contacts to get to know them
- Be ready to respond to questions that position you as an expert
- Know who to go to when you or your network needs an expert opinion
- Make it easy for people to find you; use your real name or an ID that people recognize
- Optimize your profiles with your keywords
- Give out a guide on how to be better at . . .
- Celebrate milestones with your community like number of new followers
- Invite others to share your space in interviews or guest posts
- Present your network as part of you in your profiles
- Sketch out a social media bio that lists where to find you online
- Volunteer to help out and share your expertise
- Start your own group and guide it
- Be known as a leader with something to say
- Get to know people that others think of as influential and find out what makes them that way
- Select a dozen high-profile people to follow
- Leave thought-full comments on blogs you like
- Track social activity via aggregators like Friend Feed or MyBlogLog
- Make it a point to get out and meet the people you admire
- Write about meeting them
- Send out a postcard every other month to let everyone know what you’re working on and how they can participate
- Form a mastermind group with people you know that have similar goals to yours
- Think of your network as your people; people you want to know and relate to
What’s the most important step to take first? What would you add to the list?
2 thoughts on “Social-izing PR: 33 ways to promote You AND Your Network”