Relating to Boomers | Internet Marketing Necessity

The “Boomer Mom” factor. . . how marketers decide to present and promote their products to women ages 40-60 is morphing away from avoiding any direct online interaction into a realization that – OMG! – Boomer Moms get IT! Hey, baby let’s do email.

When studies like this come out, the results amuse me. Most of the Boomers I know, men and women, love being tethered to technology. It’s where we – make that our entire families – live. Even though the water’s warm, many marketers hesitate to connect with this audience online – at all.

Today I found a press release reporing on the results of a Boomers and Internet marketing study  that points out this group is hungry for information, especially online.

[direct quote follows] . . .

“The first online research study conducted by ThirdAge Inc. and JWT BOOM under their newly formed strategic partnership was unveiled today during the Beyond the Numbers: Boomer Marketing Summit in Las Vegas. The survey, conducted online at with over 1,210 adults 40+ years of age was designed to help marketers understand the current interests, preferences and habits of Boomers and their use of online media. Results of the survey reveal surprising new data, according to Lori Bitter, Senior Partner at JWT BOOM and Sharon Whiteley, CEO, ThirdAge Inc.

‘ThirdAgers – baby boomers and mid-lifers generally in their early 40s through mid 60s – are regularly stereotyped as being technophobes and slow to jump on the technology bandwagon,’ says Sharon Whiteley, CEO of ThirdAge. ‘However, our study shows that not only are they online, theyre surprisingly a formidable presence on the Internet.’ Over 72% of ThirdAgers access the Internet from Broadband in their homes. This is significantly more than the national average across all age groups.

‘A primary way boomers spend their time on the Internet is to research information, find resources and gain knowledge, adds Lori Bitter, and the findings bear this out. Over 82% of all respondents are researching or reading information online on health and wellness for themselves and for their families.

According to the survey, the three top reasons. ThirdAgers spend time on the Internet are to seek out information (92%), to stay in touch with friends and family (95%) and to shop online (73%).’ Other high percentage activities include general browsing of the Web (95%), reading articles (91%) and research products before purchasing offline (86%). What theyre not doing is watching videos, writing blogs, playing games or downloading music.”  

Want to meet Boomers on the Web? Ramp up your Internet visibility with press releases, articles and product information to make it easy for them to find you and get to know you before they buy.


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