Thanks to a friend for suggesting this week’s Friday PSA . . . Sharing Connections located in Chicago’s western suburbs. With a vision to provide every baby with a bed to be tucked into, Leeanne McGrath founded the organization. Today, Sharing Connections collects and distributes furnishings to families in need […]
Monthly Archives: September 2007
Fresh cooked and served hot weekly since June 2006, Marketing Transformations Network News reports on on how to handle marketing and generate power PR to readers throughout the U.S. and in many foreign countries. Thanks to my marketing students for inspiring today’s article. How to Hire a Small Business Client […]
PR Takeaways is an occasional series that usually, but not always, relates to an event or personal experience. The standard format wraps up public relations tips for entrepreneurs, organizations and small businesses. Images: Tim Gunn presenting and with one of his fanatical fans. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You haven’t written that post yet? You are sooooooooo […]
In researching a charity for the Friday PSA, I found the PSA Research Center, a site managed by Goodwill Communications. I grabbed the banner ad from the company’s site, which is a valuable creative and marketing resource both for non-profits and companies who want to partner with them. Have a charity […]
A string of questions about email systems recently caught my attention. Because I find myself wanting to answer every one, I’m consolidating my thoughts into this reference post. For awhile now, I’ve been wanting to share the benefits of using AWeber. As a customer for over a year and an affiliate […]
Today I completed my first marketing execution class at our local college. The topic: branding for non-profits. This is the first of four courses. It was good to hear that four people referred me as the instructor of choice. How’s that for branding and word-of-mouth? Because I designed this to […]
Here’s the latest from Marketing Transformations News Subscribe to My Ezine Articles Ten Branding Methods: No Need to Marinate First by Barbara Rozgonyi, founder of CoryWest Media To request permission to reproduce or republish this article, contact connect AT corywestmedia DOT com. Do your customers see you as the company […]
Tomorrow I’m going back to school at the front of a college class. I’ll be teaching a 300 level marketing execution class for non-profits in The Academy for Excellence at College of DuPage. When the scheduled instructor moved out of state, I got a call to step in a few […]
An online charity event to benefit Unitus called Internet Marketers Against Poverty, is this week’s Friday PSA. Today, we’ll cover the mission as well as what I like about this campaign. Campaign Mission: Fund Global Entrepreneurs About Unitus . . . Who they serve: the three billion people living […]
Although I don’t often share personal messages to my ezine subscribers [get a backstage pass to what’s on my mind], today I’m posting an excerpt from this week’s edition of MTN News as background for how I decided to come up with the Friday PSA Feature. What I left out […]