Top Twelve Posts 2009

It’s almost the end of the year, so I decided to take a look back, review and wrap up my top 12 posts.
This tidy bundle fits into a 34 page social media marketing, PR, twitter collage ebook, which you can download here.

How I chose my top marketing, social media and PR posts . . .

True or False?

Based on traffic.

Number of comments.

Ranking by keyword.

Read popularity.

Highest retweets.

If you answered false to all, then you are right! Each post was selected based on originality, purpose, intention, passion and relevance.

2009 Wired PR Works Stats

Top Three Most Traffic

LinkedIn PR: Top 10 Ways to Quickly Become a Subject Matter Expert Boomers and Social Media Stats for Twitter and Facebook

How to Create and Produce a Webinar Best Practices

2009 Best Posts: One for Every Month

January: Twitter Guide for College Students of All Ages
College Public Relations Students and Social Media : Maximizing Twitter Value

February: Social Media and PR tips for Event Planners

Community PR:9 Strategies to keep events alive with social media

March: Answering the Number one Facebook Question

Facebook PR Strategy Guide: Be Friends with . . .

April: Animated Applications for Social Media
Monsters vs. Aliens-Social Networking for Consultants

May: Entrepreneurs and Social Media Movement Success Story

Social Media Marketing Success Track | Inside Grasshopper’s Influential Campaign

June: Video with my Friend the Famous Ramon DeLeon

Video Interview How Dominos Delivers Social Media Pizzaz to Chicago

July: Balancing Career and Family for Entrepreneurs

How do you do it all? Balancing Business and Life for Entrepreneurs

August: Movie Watching and YouTube Making

Julia Child: Video Pioneer, Shark Repeller and French Chef

September: Meeting and Becoming an Influential Leader
CEO Breakfast: Branding-Social Media on the Menu

October: Lessons from PR Master@skydiver

Peter Shankman in Chicago on PR, Social Media Rules

November: Express Branding
Ten Branding Methods: Butterflies and Rainbows Optional

December: Twitter and PR Guide with Images
TR=25 Ways to Stage a Twitter Relations Success Story

Let me know which topic and post appeals most to you. Also, what would you like to learn more about in 2010?

Image: snow in rear view copyright 2009 Barbara Rozgonyi All rights reserved.
