26 [so far] 2009 Speaking Engagements


Thanks to these groups for allowing me, Barbara Rozgonyi, to talk to their members about social media, wired writing, twitter and digital PR!

Browse my social media, wired writing and PR presentations.

West Suburban Women Entrepreneurs, LinkedIn 101
Electrology Association of Illinois, LinkedIn 101

It’s Chic to be Geek, Business and Technology Skills for Women Entrepreneurs, Michigan Avenue Apple Store

Wired Writing for Job Seekers, GraceWorks, San Francisco
National Speaker Association, Illinois Chapter, Social Media Sampler

Young President’s Organization, International Group, Social Media Panel
Naperville Chamber of Commerce, Women in Business, Social Media Sampler
International Association of Computer Consultants, Chicago Chapter, Social Networking for Consultants

Naperville Chamber of Commerce, Women in Business, two sold-out Social Networking Workshops

Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce, Social Media Sampler
International Association of Administrative Professionals, Illinois Chapter, Social Media and Membership Recruitment
Making Media Connections, national non-profit conference, Social Media Tools or Toys? panel

National Association, three hour social media workshop
Teleseminar for Coaches and Consultants
22 Naked Biz Growth, Madison, WI – Blogging as a PR Platform

12 Naked Biz Growth, Chicago – Blogging, Business and PR
14 Ragan Communications, Twitter Bootcamp, Twitter and PR
19 Citibank Glen Ellyn, Social Media for Downtown Businesses
26 Radio: advice.com “All Atwitter about Twitter”

8 Independent Writers of Chicago, Social Media for Creative Types
29 LinkedIn 101 for Entrepreneurs, workshop sponsored by Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce

9 Women in Business Seminar, Social Media LIFT, Wheaton Chamber of Commerce
27 Online PR For Business and Non-Profits, workshop sponsored by Glen Ellyn Chamber of Commerce

4 Naked Biz Growth, Milwaukee, WI Blogging as a PR Platform
11 Marketing Mastermind for Designers, featured presenter Design Success U web conference

Digital PR for Psychologists
10 Social Media 101 for Consultants, national association webinar

Need a speaker for a social media keynote, a digital PR seminar or a wired writing workshop? Call me 630.207.7530.

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