Set to be released in a few weeks, a new book about online marketing heroes follows a simple, yet highly-successful format: gather a group of experts, talk to them and publish a book. To get an inside look, download Steve Rubel’s Online Marketing Heroes chapter.
Allowing Steve to promote the book on his blog, Micro Persuasion, with a giveaway chapter download is great publicity – that’s how I found out about it.
What I’m confused about is why people who aren’t in the book are in the promos.
Online Marketing Heroes’ Amazon page lists these interviewees and links: Armand Morin, Brad Fallon, Brett Tabke, Carl Galletti, David Rosenblatt, and Derek Gehl. Yet, these online marketers don’t show up in the table of contents.
25 Online Marketing Heroes in the Book
Tamara Adlin of Aldin, Inc
Chris Baggott of Compendium Software
Ron Belanger of Yahoo!
Patrick Duparcq of Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
Liana Evans of KeyRelevance
David Fischer of Google
Lauren Freedman of the e-tailing group
Jeffrey Glueck of Travelocity
Jordan Gold of Freedom
Greg Hartnett of Best of the Web, Hotel Hotline
Jacob Hawkins of
Joan Holman of Joan Holman Productions
Greg Jarboe of SEO-PR
Kevin Lee of Didit
Heather Lloyd-Martin of SuccessWorks
Brian Lusk of Southwest Airlines
Perry Marshall of Perry S. Marshall & Associates
Paul O’Brien of Zvents
Lee Odden of TopRank Online Marketing
Mark Oldani of Circuit City Direct
Steve Rubel of Edelman
Ed Shull of NetResults
Phil Terry of Creative Good
Eric Ward of Link Marketing Consultant
Jill Whalen of High Rankings
Who’s Missing From Your List?
Who decides who’s in and who’s out? What, in your opinion, does it take to be an online marketing hero? Money, book sales, list size, products, readership, influence?
Technorati Tags: Online Marketing,Book Publicity,Barbara Rozgonyi,Wired PR Works
6 thoughts on “Online Marketing Heroes|Book Preview: Free Chapter”
It’s good to know that there is a book on online marketing and its heroes. I hope I can access a copy in the web. Thank you.
To buy Online Marketing Heroes at, click on the image of the book in this post and you’ll go directly to the sales page.
Thanks for mentioning my Online Marketing Heroes book. As to the difference in interviewees listed in the advanced material, the original list was kind of a “wish list” that the publisher wanted months and months in advance; the actual list of interviewees changed (for the better, IMHO) as the project progressed. Unfortunately, the publisher’s marketing people didn’t change the promotional materials, so there you have it.
Appreciate the explanation, Michael. It is unfortunate that the publisher didn’t update their list to match yours. Interesting to see their wish list, though. Maybe a prelude to Volume 2?
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