The WIRED Marketing and PR System Framework by Barbara Rozgonyi
Mixing marketing and PR with social media can be time-consuming, confusing, and not very effective – unless you have an organized system that mixes search, marketing, social, community, and planning. That’s why I developed the WIRED Marketing and PR System Framework for my clients and am now ready to share it with the world.
Let’s start at the very beginning. Communication is based on language. So is search. Sure, pictures are worth thousands of words – and that’s why I take thousands of them every year. But, words are how we convey messages and as importantly, how people find what they’re looking for online. Try searching by drawing a picture. You can’t. What kinds of words do you need? Check out Google’s keyword suggestion tool for ideas. Type in your website address and compare it with your competition. Who’s more on the mark?
One of the biggest mistakes most companies and organizations make is not being intentional enough about what they’re doing. It’s business as usual, whatever usual is. What if the approach became business as unusual? Wouldn’t that get more attention and better results? Borrowing a tip from journalism classes, think about who, what, when, where, how and most importantly, why you’re in business or why you’re working where you are. If you don’t know why you’re doing what you’re doing – and for money or to fund programs is not a good answer – then maybe it’s time to be the why you want to be. Then, how can you stretch your business out to reach your most profitable customer segments?
Communications, like water, flows through many channels. The internet is a sea, twitter is a stream, Facebook is a great lake and LinkedIn is a well-stocked pond. Instagram and TikTok? Depending on the content, they’re like gentle showers or downpours. Internal communications are like backyard pools and PR rains stories. One of the biggest objections we hear about modern digital marketing is the sense of overwhelm and confusion that all of these options cause for not only the companies, but their people and customers. It’s true. There is too much information out there. So, how do you keep track of it and stand out so people can find you? Social media is resolving this problem with algorithms, search, groups, and feeds. Strategize your content marketing so you can find your people and they can find you.
Stories are everywhere: do you tell them? Asking people to tell their stories, both good and bad, gives you insights into your company you can’t get anywhere else. Capturing and conveying emotions in your marketing brings people closer. And, how people feel when they interact with your organization everywhere builds your brand. Inviting people to share their stories improves relationships and gets others talking and sharing your good news.
Now that you have your words, intentions, routes, experiences, you’re ready to design your 4D wired branding approach: digital, direct, dynamic, and data. Think of you, along with your company or organization, as a publisher. What news, special features, and community events do you need to let people know about? Plan your communications around the W-I-R-E-D approach, align your actions with your business goals, choose a few metrics to measure, and get started. You’re on your way to successful social media marketing that conserves budgets, saves time, and nurtures your in real life and online communities.
Need Help Designing your WIRED Marketing and PR Framework?
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Where do you want to go next?
Let’s map out how to get you there, quickly and creatively. Designed for both startups who want a fast liftoff and established organizations who need to get into a higher gear right away, the WIRED Marketing and PR Framework is based on tested and proven results that takes you where you want to go RN [right now].
You will: Solve the problems of attracting attention, improving online visibility and generating leads for your business.
Go from being the best-kept secret known only to your top customers to being a well-known marketing and PR with a recognizable personality and a stellar reputation that commands attention.
Get ready to step onto your custom-built success track!