Digital Photography PR Strategies: Project 365


What will a year in pictures look like for you or your business?

It’s not too late to start your own Project 365.

For ideas on how to get going, check out Project 365, take a photo a day, from Photojojo. 

You can start a blog just for your project or join a 365 group on flickr and upload your images there. Some people take self-portraits, others focus on one subject and many capture what represents the day. From a PR perspective, you could write an entire year’s worth of blog entries based on the picture of the day. Deciding on your theme is your first step. Then, you need to begin taking pictures.

Tonight I decided to start.

Looking around and deciding how to document the day was a creative exercise in and of itself. I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t take pictures of the six teenage boys who came over or the red-headed woodpecker at the birdfeeder or the holiday spirit at Trader Joe’s or the relatives who came to dinner.

With a calm and quiet place, I thought about taking a picture of the fireplace’s colorful flames – no, not expressive enough.

I took a picture of a dozen black velvet sweetheart roses. Pretty, but so what?

One of the chandelier, now working after a two-year outage. Something to celebrate, but more fitting for a lighting catalog than a day in my life. 

And then I found the box of chocolates, a gift from one of my best and oldest friends I opened and share with our guests tonight.

They’re packaged as Frangos, but the recipe isn’t original. I only ate one, but no one else seemed to notice the taste change.

What you see is all that is left. As chocolates flew the box, never to be seen again, the wrappers got crushed and thrown into the fire – no evidence of their existence remains.

I may decide that my project begins today. After all, how can I go back and photograph yesterday and the day before?

What picture would capture today for you – or your business?

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