Move over Cher and Cirque de Soleil, the biggest show in Las Vegas this week is for consumer electronics and technology fans. From January 6-9, 2011, Consumer Electronics Show organizers expect over 125,000 people to make their way through 2,700 exhibits that cover 1.4 million square feet – and I’ll be there covering the show live with the 2011 CES Sears Blue Blogger Crew.
I’m excited to be one the members of the first ever Sears Blue Blogger Crew – here’s the press release. Thanks to Daniel Honigman of Sears Consumer Electronics Division for extending the invitation. I’ll be joining a team of five bloggers who get exclusive access to inside coverage opportunities. Check out Daniel’s post about the Sears Blue Blogger Crew..
Sears Blue Blogger Crew Covers CES 2011
Interacting with such a talented crew of pro bloggers is an experience I’m really looking forward to! Kris and I participated in a Kenmore Studio live event with The Cordon Bleu Cooking School last summer. Meet the crew:
Andru Edwards, CEO of Gear Live Media and lead blogger for GearLive.com
Kris Cain, lead blogger for LittleTechGirl.com, editor of the “Family Technology section” on Type-A Mom and the National Apple Gear & Chicago Tech Gear writer on Examiner.com
Kelly Clay, veteran blogger, social media analyst and technology writer for Lockergnome.com
Jenna Hatfield, lead blogger at Stop, Drop and Blog, newspaper photographer and BlogHer contributing editor
Barbara Rozgonyi, lead blogger for WiredPRWorks.com and social media writer featuring business office technology and tools
My CES 2011 priority is to report on social and technology solutions, especially for small businesses and the marketing/PR industry.
I’ll also be looking for ways to manage a multi-home office. It’s not unusual for us to have five micro-offices running in our home all at once. And, my teenagers are begging me to test out the next level in video game technology.
CES 2011 granted me a press pass to cover the show; I’d been researching how to cover it for a few weeks before Sears Electronics contacted me.
It’s such an honor to be connected to a company with high integrity, future vision and direction connections to leading consumer electronics manufacturers. Our crew’s 2011 CES itinerary includes an interview with Karen Austin, president of Consumer Electronics for Sears Holdings.
Thanks to Sears for providing transportation, accommodations, coverage for incidentals and a handheld video camera to the Sears Blue Blogger Crew team members.
Disclosure: Wired PR Works CES 2011 coverage is brought to you by Sears Electronics.
Will you be at CES? Let me know here or let’s talk on twitter @wiredprworks.
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