12 Ways to Use The ART of Engagement via Brian Solis


I’m a big Brian Solis fan.

Because Brian always delivers an inspiring and informative message, like social media is sociology, not technology, I take advantage of every opportunity I have to hear Brian speak. On November 4, Brian opened ClickZ Live Chicago with a presentation on the A.R.T. of Engagement. Thanks to Brian for the fantastic keynote and the conference for the press pass.

Hope you enjoy my notes from the keynote. 🙂

Today, you have to design for attention and action. And, it all starts with a mobile screen. Think about this: When we only have seconds to grab attention, what is the role of a website in 2015?

Future Vision


Somewhere along the way I had to become a digital anthropologist.” Brian Solis

While the future isn’t written yet, what is true over and over again is how we define the future as we go. Most brands think technology first, but what we forget is there is a person behind the screen.

Brian suggests we use technology not as a solution, but as an enabler to reach connected consumers. It’s not only Millennials, it’s about anyone who leads a connected life style.

As a strategist, it’s your job to figure out the relationship between the person and their screen. As the connected customers community grows every day, the traditional market shrinks every day. The relationship between offline and online is more important then ever before, but it requires vision and architecture.


Swipe Right


Brian asked the audience, “Who’s heard of swipe right?” If you haven’t yet, you have now. Tinder [an online dating site] users glance at an image and then swipe right to like. It’s like voting online. These types of interactions are changing behaviors.

Scientists have figured out what it takes to make you stop, click, share. That’s why we see stories like 27 cats that immediately regret their decisions

We won’t click on anything until it’s sensational. Are you like that?

As marketing is getting caught up in digital strategy, its art and science all depends on how to relate to the people on the other side of the screen.

In real life, we’re seeing things as simple as candy and magazine sales at the grocery store plummeting because people are on their phones while they’re in the checkout line.

Brian says it’s frightening how ill prepared businesses are to compete in a digital society. And, it’s not all about marketing and social media. It’s also about motivating employees.


Experience Architecture


86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience, but only 1% of customers feel that vendors consistently meet their expectations Source: CEI

Brian says an experience is something you have, you feel, and you share. The true definition of a customer experience is the sum of all touches they have with you throughout the lifecycle.

Experience architects design for marketing, sales, and content. But first, you need attention. To get attention, you need a stimulus like Taco Bell’s mobile app “blackout” stunt.

After you get their attention, what will you do with it? This is where Brian’s A.R.T. comes in . . .


The A.R.T. of Engagement


Zero in on the Zero Moment of Truth


A hot topic for speakers and webinar presenters, Google’s ZMOT was first explored in 2011.


Often beginning on a phone, the zero moment of truth is the moment when you decide you need to know more about something.

According to Brian, there are only two ways to change behavior: manipulate or inspire.

On average, one social customer will tell 42 about the experience they had with your company.


12 Ways to Practice the Art of Engagement for Digital Marketers

  1. Earn more trust. 85% trust recommendations from “people I know.” How have you tried to earn trust?
  2. Get on YouTube. YouTube is the new Google. 72% of consumers us both YouTube and Google when searching.
  3. Answer eight questions. People ask eight questions when they’re in the zero moment of truth. Make sure you have an asset library built around the next action step.
  4. Forget conversion. Rework measurement to find out where you lose attention and why.
  5. Design for the Ultimate moment of truthThis is the experience someone has when they feel and share, which becomes the next person’s zero moment of truth.
  6. Close the gap. Match the brand promise to the user experience. Don’t tell them. Let them tell you.
  7. Listen Up. 88% of consumers are less likely to buy from companies that ignore complaints and questions on social media so be alert and responsive.
  8. Start conditioning people to share positive experiences. Tell them where and how to do it.
  9. Engage more intentionally. A loyal customer that engages with companies over social media spends 24-40% more with those companies than other customers do. 
  10. Makeover your customer loyalty program. Give points for sharing, not buying.
  11. Turn receipts into communications channels. Invite your customer to share or take another step.
  12. Be the hero. Marketers change the way people see the world. The future lies in the experience you want someone to have, feel and share. “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.” Albert Einstein


How about you? How are your practicing the ART of engagement?


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